注音 ㄓㄤˋ 一ˋ ㄕㄨ ㄘㄞˊ
拼音 zhàng yì shū cái
▸ 慷慨解囊 ▸ 扶危濟困 ▸ 疏財仗義 ▸ 輕財重義 ▸ 濟困扶危 ▸ 一擲千金 ▸ 博施濟眾
⒈ 講義氣,拿出錢來幫助。
英be generous in aiding needy people;
慷慨解囊: 輕財仗義,毫不吝惜地捐助。例不知公子肯慷慨解囊否?。——姚雪垠《李自成》英contribute funds generously; help sb. generously with money;
扶危濟困: 幫助生活或處境困難的人。例你我是行俠仗義,理宜扶危濟困,翦惡除奸。——《三俠五義》英help the people in trouble; help those in distress and lend support to those in danger or in need;
疏財仗義: 講義氣,拿出錢來幫助別人。例救困扶危、疏財仗義。英be generous in aiding needy people;
輕財重義: 輕視財利而看重道義。
濟困扶危: 亦稱“扶危濟困”,指救濟、扶助生活困難或境況危急的人。英help those in distress and aid those in peril;
一擲千金: 原指賭博時下賭注極大。後指任意揮霍錢財。英lay a wager of thousand taels of gold at one throw of the dice; gamble at high stake;
博施濟眾: 廣施恩惠,拯救眾民。語出《論語·雍也》:“子貢曰:‘如有博施於民而能濟眾,何如?可謂仁乎?’”唐·韓愈《讀墨子》:“孔子泛愛親仁,以博施濟眾為聖,不兼愛哉?”