
注音 ㄕˋ ㄍㄨㄛˋ ㄐ一ㄥˋ ㄑ一ㄢ

拼音 shì guò jìng qiān




⒈  事情已經過去,事情發生的環境也改變了。

the affair is over and the situation has changed; the events have passed and the times have changed;

情隨事遷:  感情隨事物的變化而變遷。例情隨事遷,感概系之矣。——晉·王羲之《蘭亭集序》英one's emotion changes as the conditions alter;

時移俗易:  時代更替,社會風俗變易。泛指時世、風俗等都起了變化。


天翻地覆:  形容徹底的變革。例虎踞龍盤今勝昔,天翻地覆慨而慷。——毛澤東《人民解放軍佔領南京》英state of extreme confusion as the sky and the earth turning upside down; earth-shaking;⒉  形容秩序極為混亂。例寶玉一發拿刀弄杖尋死覓活的,鬧的天翻地覆。——《紅樓夢》英in total disorder; extreme upheaval; in sheer pandemonium;


即景生情:  由眼前景象而觸發某種情緒、感想。

記憶猶新:  某事留在腦海中的印象很深刻,現在還記得清清楚楚,猶如剛發生的一樣。英remain fresh in one’s memory; be still green in one's consciousness; remember vividly;

滄海桑田:  大海變成了種桑樹的田地,種桑樹的田地變成了大海。比喻世事多變,人生無常;或喻世事變化的巨大迅速——略稱滄桑。例山河改轉,滄海桑田。英the swift changes of the world; great changes are seen in the course of time; the evanescence of the worldly affairs is like the sea turned into a mulberry field (orchid);

浮光掠影:  水面上的反光和一閃而過的影子。比喻觀察不細緻,沒有深的印象;又指文章言論的膚淺,無真知實學。英skimming over the surface; cursory;

物是人非:  景物依然,人事已非。

時過境遷:  境:環境,境遇。遷:改變。時間推移,境況隨之發生變化。英circumstances change with the passage of time;