注音 ㄌ一ㄤˋ ㄊ一ˇ ㄘㄞˊ 一
拼音 liàng tǐ cái yī
▸ 對症下藥 ▸ 量才錄用 ▸ 隨機應變 ▸ 見機而作 ▸ 量力而行 ▸ 看風使舵 ▸ 相機行事 ▸ 實事求是 ▸ 因地制宜 ▸ 量入為出 ▸ 看菜吃飯
⒈ 比喻根據實際情況辦事。
英act according to actual circumstances;
對症下藥: 原指醫生針對病情處方用藥,現在常用來比喻針對具體情況決定採取措施或處理辦法。例你要老實把原因告訴我,我才能對症下藥。英suit the medicine to the illness; (fig) suit the remedy to the case; prescribe the right remedy for an illness;
量才錄用: 按照才能大小分配合適的工作。例親的子孫,並量才錄用,傷夷殘廢者,別賜救接。——《舊五代史》英employ a person according to his abilities; give sb. employment suited to his abilities;
隨機應變: 隨著時機和情況的變化,靈活應付。
見機而作: 同“見幾而作”。
量力而行: 按照自己能力大小去做事。例朕當量力而行,然定可否。——唐·吳兢《開元昇平源》英act according to one’s capability; do what one is capable to;
看風使舵: 看著風向掌握船舵。比喻隨著形勢轉變方向,調整對策。英trim one's sails; adapt oneself to circumstances;
相機行事: 相準時機而採取行動。例如此依計,往花榮軍前,密傳將令,相機行事。——《水滸全傳》英act as the occasion demands; do as one sees fit;
實事求是: 是一說一,是二說二,嚴格按照客觀現實思考或辦事。例我們對待問題應該實事求是。英seek truth from facts; be practical and realistic; be true to facts;
因地制宜: 根據不同地區的具體條件,制定相應的妥善措施。例夫築城郭,立倉庫,因地制宜。——漢·趙曄《吳越春秋》英take such measures as one suitable to local conditions; adapt the working methld to local conditions;
量入為出: 支出在數量或程度上不超過收入。例居家過日子要量入為出。英base one's expenditure upon one's income; live within income; plan one's expenditure in the light of one's income;⒉ 根據收入情況確定支出限度。例並用籌策,計較府庫,量入為出。——《三國志·衛覬傳》英make ends meet; spend no more than one's income; stretch one's legs according to the coverlet;
看菜吃飯: 比喻根據具體情況辦事。