
注音 ㄕˋ ㄉㄜˊ ㄑ一ˊ ㄈㄢˇ

拼音 shì dé qí fǎn




⒈  適:恰恰。恰恰得到相反的結果。

run counter to one’s desire; the result is just the contrary; accomplish the very opposite;

背道而馳:  朝著相反方向的道路奔跑。比喻彼此方向目標完全相反。例像背道而馳,其實倒是心心相印。——魯迅《墳》英go(run) in the opposite direction; run counter to;

畫蛇添足:  蛇本來沒有腳有人卻給它加上腳,故事見《戰國策·齊策二》。比喻做事多此一舉,反而壞事。例今若前進,倘不如意,正如畫蛇添足也。——《三國演義》英draw a snake and add feet to it—ruin the effect by adding sth.superfluous;

拔苗助長:  即揠苗助長,嫌禾苗長得慢而用手向上提,以助其生長。比喻不顧事物發展的客觀規律,強求速成,反而把事情搞壞。例他還是個孩子呀,可別拔苗助長喲!英pull up the rice shoots with the intention of helping them to grow; try to help the shoots grow by pulling them upward;

欲速不達:  謂不從實際出發,一味求快,反而達不到預期的目的。參見:欲速則不達。

負薪救火:  抱著柴草去救火。比喻用錯誤的方法去消滅災害,反使災害擴大。例猶負薪救火,無奈更崇其熾乎。——《三國志》英carry firewood to put out a fire;


事與願違:  事情的發展與願望相違背。英things go contrary to one's wishes;

抱薪救火:  抱著柴草救火。比喻欲除其害,反助其勢。例且夫以地事秦,譬猶抱薪救火,薪不盡,火不滅。——《史記·魏世家》英carry faggots to put out a fire; take oil to extinguish the fire;

欲蓋彌彰:  想隱藏壞事或過失的實情,但卻更加暴露。英Try to conceal a mistake,only to make it more conspicious; the more one tries to hide the more one is revealed;

揠苗助長:  古時候宋國有個人,嫌禾苗長得太慢,就一棵棵地往上拔起一點。後來用來比喻不顧事物的發展規律,急於求成,反把事情弄壞。例揠苗助長,苦心極力,卒無所得也。——宋·呂本中《紫微雜說》英spoil things by excessive enthusiasm as one who tries to help the shoots grew by pulling them up;⒉  也說“拔苗助長”