Beth: I heard the boss yelling at Mike for some reason earlier today. Do you know what it was about?
Sally: Steve says that Mike made a mistake and then tried to cover it, but the boss found out.
Beth: Why didn't he just own up and tell someone?
Sally: He was too scared that he would be fired, I suppose.
Beth: But when you have made a mistake, it is important to tell someone so that it can be fixed.
Sally: I bet that Mike wished you had told him that earlier.
Beth: He won't do that again - Mike is not a fool, and only fools make the same mistake twice.
Sally: As always you are the smart one with the good advice.
Beth: But remember, even the smartest person makes mistakes sometimes!
At some time in everyone's business career, they will make a mistake or two. Some mistakes are small and can be easily fixed, while others are large and take a lot of work to set right.
Regardless of the size of the mistake, the most important thing to do is to tell someone straight away. Even if you think that you will get in a huge jam, the best policy to is admit to your mistakes as early as possible.
If you try to hide a mistake and someone else finds out and they always do, the trouble will be much worse because you tried to hide it.
Anyone can make a mistake once, but only a fool makes the same mistake twice! Learn from your mistakes and don't repeat them.
When you do make a mistake, think about all of the possible solutions, so that when you tell someone, you can suggest ways to fix it. People will think highly of you for your honesty and professionalism that way.
When someone else makes a mistake and comes to you for help, try to focus on solving the problem and not on criticizing them. All problems can be fixed if you think carefully enough! 更多資訊請訪問:
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