What is your first reaction when the teacher announces that your next exam will be an open book test?Most students breathe a sigh of relief,because they think they're getting a break.But are they?
In fact,open book tests are not easy tests.Open book tests teach you how to find information when you need it.The questions are designed to teach you how to use your brain.And contrary to popular belief,you do not get off the hook when it comes to studying for an open book exam.
You just need to study a little differently.
Open Book Test Questions
Most often,the questions on an open book test will ask you to explain,evaluate,or compare things from your text.For instance:
"Compare and contrast the different views ofThomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton as they pertained to the role and size of the government."
The answer to this question will not appear in a single paragraph in your text--or even on a single page.The question requires you to have an understanding of two philosophical views that you could only comprehend by reading the entire chapter.
During your exam,you will not have time to find enough information to answer this question well.Instead,you should know the basic answer to the question and,during the test,look for information from your book that will support your answer.
Preparing for an Open Book Test
Read the chapters ahead of time.Don't expect to find quick answers during the test.
Know where to find everything.Observe headings and sub-headings and make your own outline.This reinforces the structure of the text in your mind.
Mark all important terms with sticky notes and flags.If the teacher allows it,mark your texts wherever you notice important concepts and terms.
Review lecture notes for themes.Your teacher's lectures usually provide an overview of the themes and concepts that appear on tests.You won't always get this by reviewing the book alone.
Make your own notes if allowed,and write down important formulas or concepts that you’ve covered in class.
During the Open Book Test
The first thing you need to do is evaluate each question.Ask yourself if each question asks for facts or interpretation.
The questions that ask you to provide facts may be easier and faster to answer.Those will start with expressions like:
"List five reasons...?"
"What events led up to...?"
Some students like to answer these questions first,then go on to the more time-consuming questions that require more thought and concentration.
As you answer each question,you will need to quote the book when appropriate to back up your thoughts.Be careful,though.Only quote three to five words at a time.Otherwise,you will fall into the trap of copying answers from the book--and you'll lose points for that.
今天有關 暑假來臨,為了方便同學們進行英語閱讀,今天小編為同學們整理了有關如何快速記憶單詞的三大技巧的相關內容,希望對同學們有所幫助。
What is your first reaction when the teacher announces that your next exam will be an open book test?Most students breathe a sigh of relief,because they think they're getting a break.But are they?
In fact,open book tests are not easy tests.Open book tests teach you how to find information when you need it.The questions are designed to teach you how to use your brain.And contrary to popular belief,you do not get off the hook when it comes to studying for an open book exam.
You just need to study a little differently.
Open Book Test Questions
Most often,the questions on an open book test will ask you to explain,evaluate,or compare things from your text.For instance:
"Compare and contrast the different views ofThomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton as they pertained to the role and size of the government."
The answer to this question will not appear in a single paragraph in your text--or even on a single page.The question requires you to have an understanding of two philosophical views that you could only comprehend by reading the entire chapter.
During your exam,you will not have time to find enough information to answer this question well.Instead,you should know the basic answer to the question and,during the test,look for information from your book that will support your answer.
Preparing for an Open Book Test
Read the chapters ahead of time.Don't expect to find quick answers during the test.
Know where to find everything.Observe headings and sub-headings and make your own outline.This reinforces the structure of the text in your mind.
Mark all important terms with sticky notes and flags.If the teacher allows it,mark your texts wherever you notice important concepts and terms.
Review lecture notes for themes.Your teacher's lectures usually provide an overview of the themes and concepts that appear on tests.You won't always get this by reviewing the book alone.
Make your own notes if allowed,and write down important formulas or concepts that you’ve covered in class.
During the Open Book Test
The first thing you need to do is evaluate each question.Ask yourself if each question asks for facts or interpretation.
The questions that ask you to provide facts may be easier and faster to answer.Those will start with expressions like:
"List five reasons...?"
"What events led up to...?"
Some students like to answer these questions first,then go on to the more time-consuming questions that require more thought and concentration.
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