



  1.you never know what might happen on halloween. wait until dark for some spooky surprises. the creatures of the night are waiting. to my dear pal, have a howling halloween!

  2.trick or treat what it will be? wishing you a happy halloween!

  3.my halloween's happy when i freak out with you! happy halloween to you my friend!

  4.it's hell lot of fun when i'm with you! happy halloween to you!

  5.hope your halloween is masked with spooky fun just as mine.

  6.thank you for your very special wish. happy halloween!

  7.thank you for making my halloween so special.

  8.thank you for making my cauldrons full of fun! happy halloween!

  9.your smile lights up our world! wishing you a halloween bright and glowing as you are!

  10.it's halloween time to dress up in your spookiest best and grab all the fun! hope it's lit up with smiles for you! happy halloween!


  給南瓜貼眼睛:小朋友矇住雙眼,在白線以外的地方首先轉三圈,然後向正對方向的黑板上的南瓜畫貼上眼睛。整個過程中都是矇住眼睛的。 海盜搶南瓜: 帶上眼罩,用最快的速度踩爆1個氣球並把大南瓜搶到指定地方說一句一句:Happy Halloween!Happy!Happy!Happy!

  吹南瓜球 :主持人要準備好八個等高的杯子。每個杯子都要裝滿水,豎排。每四個杯子排成一排。每排的第一個杯子都要放一個乒乓球。參賽者要將乒乓球從第一個杯子吹向另一個杯子,一個一個地吹,不能跳杯子。若乒乓球吹落了,則不能得獎。若一次性吹完則得數字章過關。每次參賽兩人。

  雙人頂氣球接力:兩人一組只能用臉部貼著氣球從一頭跑到另一頭,中途氣球掉下重來,到達終點讀Trick or treat

  聯想ABC:主持人事先做好書籤,由參賽者抽籤選擇,並對所抽內容進行聯想,如果能正確並連續地做出三個算闖關成功。如:主持人在說出run 這個單詞後,參賽者就要做跑的動作來與run這個單詞聯絡起來。

  “傑克燈”相呼應的橙色與黑色是萬聖節前夜的傳統顏色,黑色的代表有黑貓,蜘蛛和巫婆,橘色的則有南瓜燈 ***Jack-O'-Lantern*** ,這些都是常見的萬聖節象徵。