Steven is discussing with Julia about what gift to give Vicky, the little girl living next to them, for her birthday.
Julia: Steven, what are you thinking about?
Steven: Oh, you know, tomorrow is Vicky's birthday. I am thinking what gift to give her.
Julia: That's easy. A girl at her age must like beautiful ornaments. How about a hair pin?
茱莉亞:那很容易,像她這個年齡 的女孩一定喜歡漂亮的飾品,送個髮卡怎麼樣?
Steven: It's a bad idea. Vicky has short hair.
Julia: Well, what about a brooch?
Steven: Only old women like that.
Julia: Maybe you should ask her what she wants for her birthday.
Steven: OK. That's what I can do.
A:Excuse me. What's a suitable gift if I'm invited to visit a Chinese family?
B:It all depends on who the host is.
A:It's my friend.
B:Does he live with his parents?
A:Yes, he does.
B:Then, it'd be great to take a fruit basket with apples,banners and strawberries. It's proper for both seniors and children.
A:Good idea! Do you have fruit baskets?
B:I'm sorry we don't. You'll have to go to a supermarket or a fruit store for that.
B:No problem.
Todd: So, Ruthie, what did you do today?
Ruth: Well, I got up quite early this morning, actually, to go shopping.
Todd: Oh, yeah! ***Yeah*** Ooh, shopping.
Ruth: I really like shopping.
Todd: That's true but you're on a budget. You're trying to save money.
Ruth: I know, but is was my brother's birthday. Well, it is my brother's birthday in a week so.
Todd: Oh, no kidding.
Ruth: Yeah.
Todd: So, what did you get your brother for his birthday?
Ruth: Well, it was quite difficult to find something that I thought he would like, but I got him some cakes in the end, some Japanese cakes.
Todd: Japanese cakes?
Ruth: Yeah, they're in like a special presentation box.
Todd: So, how are you going to get the cakes to your brother? Just through the post office?
Ruth: Yes, I sent them in the post this morning.
Todd: Oh, did you send them express or just regular mail?
Ruth: No, regular mail because it was cheaper.
Todd: But, don't you want it to hurry and get there for his birthday?
Ruth: I've got one week. I think it will get there in time.
Todd: So, what do you think your brother will think of the cakes?
Ruth: I don't think he'll like them actually.
Todd: No?
Ruth: Well, he likes chocolate cake, and they look like they've got kind of chocolate inside but it's bean paste. I think he'll be disappointed.
Todd: So what did your brother get you for your last birthday?
Ruth: That's a good question. He always gives me money, and he often gives me chocolate as well. He's very generous.
Todd: Actually, I'm the same way. Guys like to give money. Money is so easy. No shopping involved.
Ruth: It's practical, though, it's good.
Todd: Now, I've been told that when you give money for a gift, it's actually very impolite.
Ruth: Really?
Todd: Is that true? Yeah!
Ruth: Why is that?
Todd: I don't know. Some people say it's just really impersonal. That you should take the time to get a gift.
Ruth: Really! I really think if anybody gave me money I would be so pleased. It's a good present.
Todd: Exactly, that's what I think. ***Pause*** Hey, um, actually, when are you going to see your brother next?
Ruth: Probably, I will see him in August of September.
Todd: Oh, that's quite a way away.
Ruth: Yes, about four months is that.
Todd: So is this a younger brother or older brother?
Ruth: He's older. He's twenty-six.
Todd: Oh, he's twenty six.
Ruth: He's going to be twenty-six soon.
Todd: Ok, well, if you happen to e-mail him, tell him happy birthday.
Ruth: Oh, certainly will do. Thanks.
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