Marco Polo was born in Venice in 1254. He was the most famous westerner to visit Asia during The Middle Ages. His father, Nicolo Polo, and his uncle were wealthy traders who regularly traveled to parts of the East. They visited China and became friends with Kublai Khan, the great Mongol Emperor. It was only when they returned to Italy from China that Marco, who was now 15 years old, first met his father.
馬可·波羅 1254年出生於威尼斯。他是中世紀訪問亞洲的第一個西方人。他的父親——尼可羅·波羅和他的叔叔是很富有的商人,經常到東方的各地區旅行。他們訪問了中國,而且和忽必烈可汗,大蒙古皇帝成為了朋友。而且只是在他們從中國回到義大利之後,15歲的馬可才第一次見到他的父親。
Marco decided to join them for their next trip. It took them more than three years to travel the 9,000 miles to Shangdu, capital of the Mongol Empire. The great Khan gave them a fine welcome and they stayed in a huge marble place. Soon the young Marco became a great favorite of the Emperor and was one of his most trusted friends. Marco quickly learned the language and customs of the Chinese because he traveled around and talked to many people.
After nearly 17 years in the East, Marco and his father prepared to return home. Not long after Marco came home, the Genoese caught him during a battle at sea. While he was a prisoner he met a writer called Rustichello who wrote down the long story that Marco told him about his travels.
He did not make any more journeys after the publication of his books, but he had a place in history-he was the first European ever to travel to the East and to return with a story to tell.
Hayao Miyazaki is one of Japan's most popular animators. His amazing drawing skills, entertaining plots, and well-rounded characters have made timeless masterpieces out of films such as "Princess Mononoke" and "My Neighbor Totoro."
Hayao Miyazaki was born in Tokyo in 1941. His family owned a factory that built airplanes, and he fell in love with planes and flying at an early age. Anyone familiar with his films has seen the often breathtaking flying scenes that are his personal trademark.
Miyazaki's career as an animator began in 1963 when he joined Toei Animation to work on a TV series called "Wolf Boy Ken."
At Toei, he also teamed up with Isao Takahata, beginning a partnership that would last many years and lead to some of the great success stories of Japanese animated film.
In 1984, Miyazaki released a film based on his own manga series, "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind." It was a huge success, enabling Miyazaki and Takahata to set up their own company, Studio Ghibli. They were finally free to concentrate on doing what they liked best: making high-qllality animated feature films.
Since it opened in 1985, Studio Ghibli has gone from strength to strength. "Princess Mononoke" is the second-biggest box-office hit in Japanese movie history, and "My Neighbor Totoro," as well as attracting huge audiences, was successful in another way. Sales of stuffed toys based on its odd central character helped the studio build a sound financial base.
Throughout his career, Miyazaki has traveled widely in search of inspiration. Now, he is firmly established as a figure who provides inspiration to others. He has, without a doubt, earned his place in the animators' hall of fame.
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