








  1、個人情況:Name, Sex, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Permaanent Domicile, Nationality, Martial Status, Children, Religion, Party Affiliation, Health, Height, Weight, Present Address, Permanent Address.

  2、職業意向:Objective/or: Position Wanted: A position as English Instructor, preferably handling students from the intermediate to the advanced levels

  3、資歷: QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, major in marketing.

  4、經歷***Job Experience***:一般逆序寫。

  5/86-12/86 University of California Press, Berkeley, California

  Editorial and Marketing Trainee

  5/86-8/86 Wyatt and Duncan Interiors, Berkeley, California

  Sales Clerk

  5. 文化程度***Education***:一般逆序寫,可以包括主要課程。例如:

  Master of Science with concentration in Electronics,

  Massachusetts Institute of Technology, from Sept.,1985 to June, 1987

  Bechelor of Science

  Beijing University, Department of Electrical Engineering, from Sept.,1981 to July, 1985

  6.技術資歷與特長***Technical Qualifications/ Special Skills***

  7.著作及專利***Publications and Patents***

  8.社會活動***Social Activity***

  9.榮譽與獎勵***Honours and Awards***

  10.愛好及興趣***Hobbies and Interests***


***+86*** ***-***-*****
No.**,Lane***,** Rd. ** Distrinct,Shanghai,China
2011-2014 East China University of Science and Technology Master Candidate
2007-2011 East China University of Science and Technology Major: Accounting
GPA: 3.58 / 4 Class Ranking: 1/55
  Minor major: English TEM8: Excellent Level
2011-present Student Member of ACCA——13 out of 14 courses completed
2013.7-2013.8 PricewaterhouseCoopers China Summer Intern
Join in the CCCC interim audit project
Learnt the basic audit procedure for several accounts: cash, finance expenses, stc
In charge of the bank confirmation procedure
2013.3-2013.6 General Electric ***China*** Junior Accountant
General Ledger team, expense booking, able to use Oracle skillfully
Communicate with employee and customer and dealt with challenges and queries
2010.10-2010.12 General Mills Trading ***Shanghai*** Cashie
Made payments using online banking system
Checked the bank statement with cash account of the company
2011.9-2011.12 Project management of International Scientific and Business Congress on Protecting the Climate ***Academy for European management*** Trainee of International Project Manager
Brought forward and made financial budget for the conference independently, highly recognized by the CEO.
Learnt to be a team player and work with people with different culture.
2008.12 Excellent Student of Universities in Shanghai, 2005-2006 ***Only winner of business school, ECUST***
2009.6 Member of PWC Premium Development Programme(PDP)
2008.11 12th 21stcentury&Lenovo Cup National English Public Speaking Competition -- First Prize of East China Final / Third prize at National Final  www. gongzuojianli
2011.6 First Prize Scholarship of ECUST ***Thrice*** Second Prize ***once***
2007-2009 Association of Public Speaking and Debating Vice President
2009.10 2007 Special Olympic World Summer Games Volunteer
2012.3 “Welcoming World Expo” International Debating Competition Hostess
2011-2013 School of Continuing Education of ECUST Teacher
TEM8 Score:85
  Fluent in both speaking and writing English
  Good command in Office software, proficient in Excel



  Gender: Male

  Ethnicity: Han

  Health Condition: Excellent

  Date of Birth: May 15,1990

  Political Standing: Youth Member of Communist Party

  Height: 176 cm

  Specialization: Computer Science

  Graduating School: Chinese Computer Science University Extension

  Degree Granted: Associates

  Contact Information: xxxxxxxxxxx


  Zip Code: 325600


  Personal Qualification:

  Excellent skills in specialization; wide hobby range; passionate in computer, music, entertainment; outgoing, confident, easy going, positive, honest, strong sense of responsibility, and enthusiastic

  Education and Work Experience:

  - July 2012, Graduated with an Associates Degree in Computer Science from Chinese Computer Science University Extension

  - April 2012 to March 2013, Technician of xx xx Mechanical and Electrical Ltd

  - Oct 2013, Appointment to the Assistant Engineer and the Buyer for computer related equipments

  Personal Skills:

  - Familiar business management orientation and office equipment procurement

  - Excellent skills in AUTO CAD、Adobe Photoshop、CAPP、OFFICE related computer applications

  - Excellent skills in ERP related application and Lotus Notes***OA***operating system

  – Good at mechanical drawing, material input, material establishment and material management;

  - Master in various operating systems such as WIN XP、7、8,installation on computer application and software, hardware such as printer, copier, scanner, digital camera

  Career Objective:

  Positions in Management, Marketing, and IT

  Believe in your choice and trust in your instinct, I will strive for excellence with you and start new era.