Dear Sir,
I am writing to apply for a British Council scholarship to study in Britain. I did my five years' basic training in medicine at Shanghai University. After this I successfully completed a one-year postgraduate course in Ophthalmology at the People's General Hospital, where I am at present serving a two-year probation in the Eye Clinic.
As a result of the publication in 2003 of my article in New Scientist entitled "Soft and Rigid Contact Lenses ", which was based on a survey of 37 patients over 6 months, I made contact with Dr. Li Ming of the Capital Hospital and Dr. Ma Li of the University College Hospital. I have received their help and advice with my current research project, which is a two-year survey of the acceptance of various types of contact lenses in 200 patients.
Despite their help, I feel that I cannot make real progress in this field unless I can actually have day-to-day contact with these specialists. I would therefore like to continue my research at either the Capital Hospital or the UCH as soon as my probationary period here is completed, and I would like to study in Britain for two years.
I enclose a detailed curriculum vitae and an offprint of my article, together with two letters of recommendation from Dr. Li Ming and Dr. Ma Li.
Yours faithfully,
Lily Chen
Dear Sir,
I would like to apply for the post of Works Manager, which was advertised in The Guardian of I2 October 2004. I feel that my qualifications and experience are ideally suited for the position.
I was born in 1968, and I went to school from 1973 to 1988. In 1987 I took the General Certificate of Education, and I got good grades in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. After leaving school, I attended the Orient Technical College, where I first studied Fiber Technology and Color Chemistry; later I studied other subjects related to textile manufacture, and in 1991 I obtained the Diploma in Textiles.
After completing my studies, I joined the Top Clothing Company where I worked until 1996. In that year I moved to Prior Productions, who was pleased with my work, and as a result, in 1998, I was promoted to Assistant Works Manager there.
I enjoy my work, and I am prepared to work hard. Moreover, I am sure that Prior Productions would give me an excellent reference. I therefore feel that my application deserves your serious consideration.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Mary Ma
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