A woman complained that her husband constantly hung around the house,doing or saying nothing. To please her, he went to see a psychiatrist.“Just lie down on the couch and we'll talk. "the doctor told him. "If you think of something to say, fine. If not,maybe next time.”
The guy got himself comfortable and fell fast asleep. At the end of the hour,the doctor woke hirn up and said,"That will be all for today—$100,please. "The patient paid and left.
The man came back every Tuesday and Thursday after that. Each time,he fell asleep without saying a word,but paid the fee. The third week, the patient came in,sat down and then jumped right up again."Aha,", marveled the doctor. "Have you thought of something to say?"
"Yes,do you need a partner ?"
Of the four seasons,I love Spring best。In Spring,the weather gets warmer and everything begins to grow rapily。If we go to the countryside on a sunny day in Spring,W\'ll find tree turning green and flowers blooming。Besides mypersonal interests,I think the most in portant reason。Why I like Spring is that Spring signifies hope and progress。It assures us a promising season of summer and also the most iportant havvest seaso-autum。I love Sprig.
簡單漂亮的英語手抄報的資料:關於早餐About Breakfast
In order to keep fit, some teenagers ignore breakfast, they think the less they eat, the fitter they become. It is totally wrong idea, the doctor says in the newspaper that breakfast is very important for people’s health, in the morning, people need energy, after a night’s sleeping, the stomach is empty. So if not filling breakfast, people’s body will get weaker. We can eat less food in lunch and dinner, but not in breakfast. It is said that some will get fat if they don’t have breakfast, because the diet is not balanced, the body takes in more than what they need. So in order to keep fit, we should have breakfast.
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