Dear Haters,
Thank you for always doubting me and always trying to bring me down. Thank you for laughing at all of my failures and being filled with pride when you outshine me in school and, I guess, life in general. Thank you for spreading all gossip that there is about me and about the shameful shenanigans ***惡作劇*** that I got into last night. Believe it or not they were pretty fun, but you wouldn't know since you weren't there. Instead, you found amusement in talking about them, which is perfectly ok since I am pretty entertaining. The judgmental glances and the slight roll of the eyes whenever I graced ***為…增色*** you with my presence was actually the highlight of some of my days, and they will be forever appreciated.
I am impressed that you know that some of the negative things that you say about me can hurt me on the inside. You have a talent of seeing beyond my "give no shits ***不在意***" exterior ***外表*** and know how I am insecure about myself at times and how the opinions that others have towards me can mean a lot. Sometimes, the hiding that I do fails and you can see how easily bothered I am when I do fail or make a fool of myself. Congratulations, you can read me well.
Honestly, you do not get the credit ***讚揚*** that you deserve. Trying to bring me down takes a lot of effort and quite frankly, you should consider it a job and maybe even put it on a resume. I am using the word maybe because in reality you will never be able to put it on a resume due to your lack of success with it. You will never be successful at that job because you cannot bring me down!
Yeah, you can read me well but not well enough. You fail to see that failure and adversity only empower me. I might be insecure about myself at times, but my insecurity only leaves room for self-improvement. The thrill that you get from seeing me make a fool of myself or fail at something only inspires me to work harder. In return, I receive a thrill when I see the look of surprise on your face when I outshine you and succeed. What can I say? I don't follow the status quo ***現狀*** and I like exceeding expectations and doing the unexpected. Your low expectations of me make it pretty easy to continue surprising you.
For the most part though, I am pretty satisfied with who I am because it is obvious that you see me as a threat. Otherwise, you wouldn't hate me so much. Your genuine hatred towards me only serves as an indicator that I am amazing and am doing something right.
Like Beyoncé, I love all of you, my haters, and I will keep on working towards being "flawless" due to you all. Once again, thanks for all that you do. Never stop hating.
I Have?《我曾》
I have dreamed of picking stars,
When awake the stars fall between my fingers one after another.
The feeling of emptiness
Throws me into desolation.
I have dreamed of picking flying flowers,
When awake the petals drift down between my fingers one after another.
The feeling of emptiness
Lands me in melancholy.
I have dreamed of plucking the harp chords,
When awake the chords break off thread after thread from my fingers.
The feeling of emptiness
Brings me sentimental fits.
I have dreamed of touring the heaven,
When awake the land is broken to pieces.
The feeling of emptiness
Arouses pain and indignation.
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