The English are passionate lovers of competitive sports; and when they are neither playing nor watching games they like to talk about them, or when they cannot do that, to think about them.
The game peculiarly associated with England is cricket. Nearly every village in England, has its own cricket club. A first-class match lasts for up to five days, with six hours play on each day
However, for the majority of the British public the eight months of the football season are more important than the four months of cricket. Professional football is always a big business. The Cup Final, which is played in May each year in London, is the greatest event of the season and one ofthe most famous football matches in the world.
Rugby football is played with an egg-shaped ball. It can be a dangerous game as players wear no protective clothing. This form of sport got its name because it originated from the famous Rugby Public School.The sport is favoured by the middle class and it is also the game played at the great majority of "public schools".
Most secondary schools have playing fields, and boys usually play rugby or football in winter and cricket in summer as a normal school activity ; while schoolgirls play tennis and a sort of baseball in summer and netball and hockey in winter. Men's basketball is almost unknown.
The more social adult games of golf and tennis are played by great numbers of people. Golf courses are also meeting places of the business community. It is, for example, very desirable for bank managers to play golf. Moreover, there are plenty of tennis clubs. Every town provides numerous tennis courts in public parks, and anyone can play tennis cheaply.
Next to Association Football, the chief spectator sport in English life is horse racing. Their horse racing mainly takes place on working days and during working hours. The whole atmosphere of a race meeting still belongs in some ways to the eighteenth century with old divisions between upper and lower people. Every day people all over the country bet on the day's races.
Although the British are so fond of watching horses racing, they are not very interested in being spectators at occasions when human beings race together. Remarkably few people are interested in bicycle racing. On the other hand, rowing, in fours or eights, occupies a leading place in the sporting life of schools and universities which have suitable water near by. It is watched from the river banks by vast crowds of spectators.
When English people use the word "hunting" they usually mean foxlumting, a sport which is popular among a small but important nunority . There are many people who would like to see fox-hunting forbidden by law on the ground that it is crueL but there is little possibility that this will be done.
The moorlands of the north and of Scotland are rich in grouse and partridge. And to go shooting on the moors is perhaps the most distinctive of upper-class activities. The opening of shooting season on August 12th attracts many top people to the moors. They pay enormous amounts for their pleasure. Being afraid of losing votes, modem leaders do not shoot, or ifthey do they try their best to avoid the photographers.
A love of sport has been characteristic in Highland and Lowlands alike. It is inherent in the Scottish character,Of all the games played in Scotland in days gone by, three stand out as claiming Scottish in character-golf, curling, and slunty, and of these golf has now achieved world-wide popularity.
無論在蘇格蘭高地還是蘇格蘭低地,人們對體育的熱愛是一樣的,它已是蘇格蘭人內在性格的一部分。在英格蘭人過去所玩過的 遊戲中,有3種可以說是發源於此地,並具有典型的蘇格蘭特點——高爾夫球、冰上溜石遊戲和簡化曲滾球戲。在這3項運動當中,高爾夫球現已風靡全球。
Of all Scottish golfing centres, St. Andrews is the shrine of golfing traditions.
The kings and queen of Scotland themselves shared their people's enthusiasm',event***">enthusiasm for playing games. Mary Queen of Scots was accused by her enemies ofplaying golf shortly after her husband's murder.
Curling is a game played on a sheet ofice, and Scotland has been its real home since the early part of the seventeenth century . In principle the game very much resembles bowls, but curling is played with heavy flat stones to slide along the ice.
Like golf, curling can claim to be both Royal and ancient. Tradition has it that the Stuart Kings were curlers, and both Mary Queen of Scots and Damley are reputed to have played.
Among games less widely popular, but still played with great enthusiasm',event***">enthusiasm, shinty is one of the most traditional. Played with a ball made of cork and leather, and a wooden club,'it used to be popular among all ages, particularly around the Christmas season, but now is usually indulged in only by the more youthful members ofthe community.
Shinty is a fine free game, and the Scottish bag pipes play apicturesque part in the game, marching their teams on to the field of play and hailing their victories with piercmg blasts oftriumph.
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