導語:原唱組合play是一個來自瑞典的少女偶像團體,成立於2001年.成員有4個人,Faye Hamlin, Anna Sundstrand, Anais Lameche和Rosie Munter.剛加入團隊的她們只有12,3歲.Play組合直到2003年Faye Hamlin離隊隨後Janet Leon加入.Play一共發行了5張專輯,並多次在美國巡演,在美國和加拿大等地都贏得了大批歌迷的擁護.然而好景不長,Play最後一次以組合形式出現是在2004年12月末,不好的流言和負面新聞隨之而來導致組合在2005年宣佈解散!
曲名:Cinderella 歌手:Play
When I was just a little girl
My momma used to tuck me into bed
and she'd read me a story
It always was about a Princess in distress
And how a guy would save her and end up with the glory
I'd lie in bed and think about the person that I want to be
Then one day I realized the fairy tale life wasn't for me
I don't wanna be like Cinderella
Sittin' in a dark old dusty cellar
Waiting for somebody, to come and set me free
I don't wanna be like Snow White waiting
For a handsome prince to come and save me
On a horse of white, unless we're riding side by side
Don't want to depend on no one else
I'd rather rescue myself
Someday I'm gonna find someone who wants my soul, heart, and mind
Who's not afraid to show that he loves me
Somebody who will understand I'm happy just the way I am
Don't need nobody taking care of me
I will be there for him just as strong as he will be there for me
When I give myself then it has to got to be, an equal thing
I can slay, my own dragons
I can dream, my own dreams
My knight in shining armour is me
So I'm gonna set me free
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