A study by academics from the University of California and Northwestern University claimed that “ the causal link between the consumption of restaurant foods and obesity is minimal at best.”
It argued that a tax on high-calorie food, as proposed by many health campaigners in the US and Britain, may therefore not be an effective way for governments to tackle the problem.
The study analyzed data compiled by the US Department of Agriculture on calorie intake around the country. It found that people living closer to restaurants were not significantly more likely to be obese than people living further away, indicating that easy access to restaurants had little effect.
It also showed that while restaurant meals typically held more calories than home-produced food, many customers often offset this by eating less throughout the rest of the day.
Obese people who ate at restaurants, the study indicated,“also eat more when they eat at home.”
The US government estimates that about one in three Americans, or 100 million in total, are obese. Last month it was predicted that 75 percent of Americans would be overweight in 2020.
美國政府估計每一百個美國人中間就有一個肥胖者。上個月的一項調查預估到2020 年75%的美國人都會超重。
The problem is thought to cost Americans between $150 billion and $170 billion in annual medical costs.
肥胖問題每年都會花費美國政府1500 億到1700 億美元的醫療費用。
The study’s authors, Michael Anderson and David Matsa, wrote: “While taxing restaurant meals might cause bese consumers to change where they eat, our results suggest that a tax would be unlikely to affect their underlying tendency to overeat.”
A study suggests that a woman’s blood group could influence her chances of getting pregnant.
Researchers who tested a group of women seeking fertility treatment found those with the blood type O appeared to have a lower egg count and poorer egg quality than others. By contrast those with blood type A seemed to have more and better quality eggs.
The findings could lead to women with type O blood being advised to try for a baby earlier, but experts said more research was needed before such a step was taken.
The lead author, Dr Edward Nejat, of the department of obstetrics and gynaecology at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, said his findings were based on women having fertilitytreatment at the Yale University and the Montefiore Institute in New York.
The study of 560 women, whose average age was just under 35, found that those with blood type O were more likely to have higher levels of “follicle stimulating hormone” ***FSH*** than those with type A.
Fertility experts regard a high FSH level as a key indicator of having a low egg count. FSH is produced by the body to stimulate the follicles in the ovaries that produce eggs.
As a woman’s ovaries run out of eggs in her 30s and 40s, production therefore has to be stepped up to encourage more eggs. The presence of high levels of FSH indicates lower numbers of eggs.
The study found that women with blood type O were twice as likely to have an FSH level above 10 as those in any other blood group.
People with blood group A carry the A antigen, a protein on the cell surface, that is absent in people with O type.
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