During the Gulf War,my sister,Jane,bought a flag and asked her apartment's maintenance man, a Vietnam vet,to install a pole for him. When she offered to pay him,he told her there was no way he could take money for putting up the American flag.
Jane contacted her local newspaper,and they published an article about the incident. The next time she encountered the maintenance man, he told her that everyone he knew had read her story and that she had made him a celebrity.Jane jokingly asked for his autograph.
"I don't have time,"the man replied. "I'm too busy setting up American flags.”
My wife will go to any extreme to keep people from,knowing she is home alone. One evening when I was working late,my wife heard a knock on the door. She ignosed it,but the knocing continued. Frantic,sloe began to bark,softly at first,then louder and louder. Much to her relief,the knocking soon stopped.
The next day the paper boy came to the door to collect."I came by last night,"he told me,"but I left when your wife barked at me!"
One semester when my brother, Peter,attended the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis,an art-student friend of his asked if he could paint Peter's portait for a class.assignment. Peter agreed,and the art student painted and submitted the portrait, only to receive a C minus.
The art student approached the professor to ask why the grade was so poor. The teacher told him that the proportions in the painting were incorrect.”The head is too big,”the professor explained.”The shoulders are too wide, and the feet are enormous."
The next day,the art student brought Peter to see the professor. He took one Look at my brother."Okay, A minus. "he said.
I had iust learned to drive and, like most teen-agers,begged at every opportunity to take over the wheel. During a family vacation my father finally allowed me drive on a long,straight stretch on highway.I was in my glory until there was a sudden turn in the road.Caught unaware, I swung too wide and ran into a service station's advertising sign. I stopped the cat and waited for a lecture.
My father,always considerate of his children's feelings,turned back to the rest of family and said. "As long as we're here,does anyone need to use the rest room?"
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