Ogden Myers Spun His Tires
Ogden Myers spun his tires,
he loved to squeal and skid them.
He liked to make black tire marks,
though traffic laws forbid them.
The screeching noise, the pouring smoke,
he thought it quite a sport,
until police arrested him
and dragged him off to court.
Before the judge he cried and cried,
all teary-eyed and blubbery,
but though he wailed, he still got jailed --
the charge was "highway rubbery."
Deer Mrs. Teecher
Deer Mrs. Teecher,
This noat iz too say
that Brittney iz
undur the whether tooday.
So tho Brittney noes
how importent it iz,
she kant cumb too skool
fore tooday's speling kwiz.
Vacation Frustration
Our family vacationed in Europe.
We flew to the beaches of Spain.
We hopped on a ferry to England.
We traveled through France on a train.
We lugged all our luggage to Denmark.
We dragged all our baggage to Greece,
We hoisted our backpacks and handbags,
our suitcase, our trunk and valise.
We rambled through dozens of ruins.
We wandered through castles galore.
We must have seen hundreds of statues --
cathedrals and mosques by the score.
We pored over paintings in Paris.
We tramped through museums in Rome,
and all of the while I was thinking
how much I would rather be home.
At last we are done with our travels!
We've seen every kingdom and nation.
But we're so completely exhausted
that we need another vacation!
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