We all have Escherichia coli bacteria in our intestines. These are the good strains of the bacteria. They help us digest our food. There are billions of these bacteria in our intestines and in our feces. Of the hundreds of strains of good E. coli, there are only a few strains that are bad for us. These strains usually cause stomach problems and diarrhea.
The worst of these strains is labeled E. coli 0157. This strain is common in healthy cows, sheep, and goats. But when it gets into humans, it causes illness. This strain can kill humans, but only rarely. It kills our red blood cells and causes our kidneys to stop functioning. Hospitalization and transfusions are necessary to prevent death.
Most people just get mildly sick from E. coli 0157. There are usually just two symptoms: stomach cramps and diarrhea ***non-bloody or bloody***. These symptoms may last up to two weeks. The very young and the very old are most susceptible to severe symptoms. In the US, more than 100,000 people get infected annually. People who live in countries with contaminated water develop immunity to infection.
The primary sources of infection are contaminated water, undercooked hamburger, unwashed fruits and vegetables, and unpasteurized milk or milk products. Swimming in or swallowing contaminated lake water can also result in infection. In the US, outbreaks involving hundreds of people have been traced to undercooked hamburgers at fast food restaurants, to packaged vegetable products such as spinach, and even to petting zoos. One of the best preventive measures is to wash our hands often, and wash thoroughly after using the toilet.
A Republican US senator, Lance Dreyer, held a press conference yesterday. He thanked the media for showing up, and then protested that he was not gay and had never been gay. He said he had never been involved in any way with a man. He said that he had hired a lawyer to help him defend his good name. Furthermore, Dreyer said, he had no plans of resigning. Then, instead of allowing the two dozen media members, including TV and radio reporters, to ask questions, he simply got in his car and left. His remarks made headlines on all the local and national TV shows.
In June, Dreyer had been arrested in an airport rest room by a plain-clothes detective. Because of complaints from the public that gay men had been having sex in the rest room, the city’s vice squad went into action. The detective, Thad Grey, would sit in a stall and wait for men to suggest having sex with him.
Dreyer entered the rest room and sat in the stall just to the left of the detective. Dreyer’s right foot edged closer and closer to Grey’s stall. When his foot was under the divider, he started tapping his foot. Tap-tap-tap. Tap. Tap-tap-tap. Grey repeated the seven taps in the same pattern. Then Dreyer tapped with his knuckle on the dividing wall. Tap-tap. Tap-tap. Grey repeated the signal. Then Dreyer put his right hand under the dividing wall and gave the thumbs-up signal. Grey gave the same signal back, and then walked into Dreyer’s stall and arrested him for soliciting sex in a public facility.
Dreyer pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of “disorderly conduct.” He denied that his actions were signals for sex. He said that he was merely signaling that he had no toilet paper in his