1. 你何不把正確的拼寫和語法寫在出錯的地方?
And why don’t you write down the correct spelling and grammar next to the mistakes?
2. 還有什麼嗎?
What else?
3. 許多人在講英語時不好意思,所以,在開口前,深吸一口氣,笑一笑。
Many people are shy when they speak English, so before you begin, take a deep breath and smile.
4. 微笑總能起作用的。
Smiling always helps.
5. 每天檢視你的單詞本是個好主意。
It’s a good idea to check your vocabulary notebook every day.
6. 用英語聽收音機或讀報紙如何呢?
How about listening to the radio or reading a newspaper in English?
7. 儘量不要翻譯每個詞。
Try not to translate every word.
8. 她可以幫助我做作業。
She can help me with my homework.
9. 許多學生徵求提高英語水平的建議。
Many students ask for advice about improving their English.
10. 把它們寫在紙上,貼在你的臥室。
Write them on pieces of paper and place them in your bedroom.
11. 這花費很長時間
It takes a long time.
12. 她在她的學校的樂隊演奏,而且他們要在中國開一些音樂會。
She plays in her school orchestra, and they’re doing some concerts in China.
13. 這是學習英語的好方法。
This is a great way to learn English.
14. 我認為每一個應該有個筆友,並互相寫***資訊。
I think everyone should have a pen friend and write email messages to each other.
15. 當你購物時,總計下英語單詞,或者說出你看到的每件東西的英文名如何呢?
When you are shopping, how about counting the English words, or saying the English names for everything you see?
16. 和你的朋友談論電影或歌曲,並猜新單詞的意思。
Talk about the film or song with your friends, and guess the meaning of the new words.
1. 啊哈,你猜怎麼著!
Well, guess what!
2. 頭等獎是你夢想的到英國度假。
The first prize is the holiday of your dreams in England.
3. 韓力曾經去過美國的舊金山。
Han Li has been to San Francisco in USA.
4. 你夢寐以求的假期。
The holiday at your dreams.
5. 你覺得怎麼樣?
What do you reckon?
6. 他在全國各地舉辦音樂會,音樂會的票總是銷售一空。
He’s given concerts all over China and the tickets have always sold out..
7. 聽起來好極了。
It sounds brilliant.
8. 我期望有一天能環遊世界。
I expect to travel around the world.
9. 你曾經有“夢想實現”嗎?
Have you ever had a “dream come true”?
10. Sally 邀請我去英國和她一起呆一天。
Sally has invited me to stay with her in England one day.
11. 王明與2000多名觀眾一起去參加過在北京舉行的劉歡音樂會。
Wang Ming has been to Liu Huan concert in Beijing with more than 2000 people.
12. 北京以其烤鴨而著名。
Beijing is famous for its roast ducks.
13. 客艙內是禁止吸菸的。
Smoking is not allowed in the cabin.
14. 因為大霧原因,飛機不能起飛。
The plane can’t take off because of the thick fog.
15. 春節是中國的傳統節日。
The Spring Festival is traditional festival in China.
1. 你在幹什麼?
What are you up to?
2. 地球是行星,它繞著太陽轉。還有八顆行星也圍繞著太陽轉
The Earth is a planet and it goes around the Sun.Eight other planets also go around.
3. 宇宙中有這麼多的恆星,我們是孤獨的嗎?太空中還有其他的生命嗎?
With so many stars in the universe, are we alone , or is there life out there in space.
4. 把它給給我的家人看看
To show it to my family.
5. 花了幾個月的時間才到那裡
It has taken several months to get there.
6. 大明有什麼作業嗎?
What homework has Daming got?
7. 你認為大明的行為怎麼樣?
What do think of Daming’s action?
8. 科學家們認為數百年以前地球上已經生命存在。
Scientists think that there has been life on Earth for millions of years.
9. 北京是中最大的城市之一
Beijing is one of the biggest cities in China
10. 房間裡沒有人
No one is in the room.
11. 我們班大多數學生騎自行車上學。
Most of the students in our class go to school by school.
12. 茶跟咖啡你更喜歡哪一樣?
Which do you prefer , tea or coffee?
13. 他們用其他的太空船做了什麼?
What have they made with the other spacecraft?
14. 它將與明年返回地球。
It’s coming back to Earth next year.
15. 我在學校剛讀完了一本極好的書
I’ve just finished reading a great book at school.
16. 湯姆寫的和瑪麗寫的一樣好
Tom writes as carefully as Mary.
17. 這河水太深,孩子們不能在河裡游泳。
The river is so deep that the children can’t swim in it.
The river is too deep for the children to swim in
18. 他對英語表現出了極厚的興趣
He shows much interest in English.
1. 但是我和她相處得很好。
But I get on well with her.
2. 劉三子是一個八歲的男孩,他住在湖南的一個村子裡。
Liu Sanzi is an eight-year-old boy from a village in Hunan Province.
3. 在希望工程的幫助下,他們現在可以上學了。
Now they can go to school with the help of Project Hope.
4. 因為有了希望工程,成千上萬的孩子們過上了更好的生活。
Beacause of Project Hope,thousands of children have better lives.
5. 他的父母希望他輟學。
His parents want him to drop out of school.
6. 在過去的15年中,這個工程已經籌集了善款,支付了鄉村2500000個窮孩子的教育
In the last 15 years this project has raised money and paid for the education of 2.5 million poor students in the countryside.
7. 去年沈,一個男孩去一個沒有電,只有幾本書的學校上學。
Last year Shen, a boy went to a school with no electricity and only a few books.
8. 大多數中國人聽說過希望工程,捐過錢。
Most people in China have heard of Project Hope and have given money.
9. 幫助窮孩子上學。
Helping poor children go to school.
10. 我和他相處的好,我們喜歡一樣的東西。
I get on well with her, we like the same things.
11. 當你參觀國家的時候,學習外語會更容易。
It’s easier to learn a foreign language when you visit the country.
12. 這是為窮孩子所建的學校。
It’s a school for poor children.
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