Dear Sir,
Very glad to send E-mail to you, I’m Annie. I have learned your name from the website which shows you are interest in ball chair.
First I’d like to introduce our company,which is one of the largest ball chair manufacturers in China, mainly produce ball chair,egg chair,bubble chair and other chairs. We would like to supply high-class products and satisfy every customer's needs.
We approach you today in the hope of establishing long business relations with you and expect, by our joint effects, to enlarge our business scope.
It will be a great pleasure to receive your inquiries for any of the items against which we will send you our competitive price with high quality.
Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated.
Thanks& best regards
Yours faithfully, Steven
Website: Add: XXX
Tel: 0086-769-26048888 Fax: 0086-XXX
Cell phone: 0086-13717413999
Dear xx
Sorry to trobule you.
Several days no news from you have you got my enquiry for xxxx ? Fully understand that you are too busy to reply us.But we are still await for your comments.We need your feedback to go ahead. Thank you in advance.
Many thanks and best regards.
Dear xxxx
Hope everything goes well !
We are in receipt of your inquiry dated on xxx and quote you as follow: XXXXXXX . pls kindly check whether price is workable ? Becasue price will be invalid on xxxx.
Wish we will promote business.
Best regards.
Hope everything goes well with you!
Have you kindly checked my offer? Hope they are workable for your market! It isregret that I haven't received any information from your side. May I have youridea about our offer? We will try to satisfy you upon receipt of your reply.
If there is anything we can do for you, we shall be more than pleased to do so. Hope we can build good cooperation with you and your company.
How are you recently?
Several days no news from you have you got my enquiry for xxxx? Fullyunderstand that
you are too busy to reply us. But we are still await for your comments. We need your feedback to go ahead. Thank you in advance.
Many thanks and best regards.
Wish you have a nice day!
May I ask whether you have received my quotation? Now I am sending it again, ifyou have any other ideas. Please feel free to contact me. We will do muchbetter if you can give any advices to us.
Waiting for your favorable reply soon!
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