The picture . What is strikingly noticeable is , but it can be easily explained by shown in the picture。
The discern able unhealthiness discloses a prevalent phenomenon that has long existed in the China’s . One the one hand, . On the other hand, . As a result, the integration of poor living conditions and work pressure leads naturally to their poor health and short life-span, just as the picture tells us。
The situation is rather depressing because , and it is largely owing to . To solve the problem, I think there should be a thriving social trend , and those who should be rewarded with good living and working conditions。
We can see from the picture that , but 。
If , he would surely express . There are three reasons to explain why it happens to . Firstly, , which resulted from . Secondly, though , . Consequently, . Thirdly, 。
I maintain that effective measures should be taken to put an end to this phenomenon. Firstly, we need to endeavor to advocate . Secondly, strict regulations should be enacted and enforced to create a harmonious and orderly society. Only through the combined efforts can we eliminate this “tumor” forcefully and completely。
The picture depicts a scene in which . The scene is presented in an artistic and ironic manner. Crowds of people are crammed in . Further examination reveals that 。
Apparently, the picture symbolizes that humans, with such a huge population, may one day suffer
from the exhaustion of earth resources. Take for example. Given the fact that , we find that . To make it worse, 。
If the conflict between population boom and shortage of resources is not properly controlled, we have every reason to hold a pessimistic perspective towards human’s future on Earth. Perhaps eventually we would face the situation suggested by the picture, that is, . Accordingly, I strongly recommend that the whole globe launch aggressive programs to address this fatal contradiction。
This is a very interesting piece of cartoon, in thanks to . Hence, 。
Though being a little exaggerating, the cartoon illuminates a serious fact that , and for that matter, .
A recent report also supported this view by . On the contrary, we are sad to perceive that 。
Therefore, in my opinion, it is already high time for the whole world to form a solid cooperation fighting against , because not a single government or person can be exempt from its harm. A series of down-to-earth measures need to be urgently implemented to control 。
As is shown in the picture above, . Obviously from we can surmise that 。
It goes without saying that the primary purpose of the picture lies in eulogizing the practice of . As a matter of fact, it is not rare to find in our everyday life deeds of similar nature. For instance, . Additionally, we can also hear many stories about . Not to mention those moving cases of 。
All in all, I firmly believe that a harmonious society is based on a . By , people not only harvest , but also gain that can never be purchased via money。
As the old Chinese saying goes, . It echoes with this picture in which . The title of the picture further points out that 。
The picture is meant to . As far as I am concerned, I think . This universal truth can be particularly proved in the field of , where 。
A brief survey of history about also demonstrates the fundamental importance of . , for example, .
The same principle applies to common people as well, and I am sure everybody can benefit from 。
It is a very eye-catching photo in which . What makes this picture extraordinary is , which clearly indicates 。
The sense of that permeates this picture is representative of , that is, , and therefore, . China, in particular, . The effect of such communication can be best exemplified by 。
While people belong to nations, cultures know no boundary. is not only featured by , but more importantly, by . I firmly believe that is contributing, and will contribute more to the world’s peace, development, and prosperity.
政治風險 political risk
再開票中心 re-invoicing center
現代管理會計專門方法 special methods of modern management accounting 現代管理會計 modern management accounting
提前與延期支付 Leads and Lags
特許權使用管理費 fees and royalties
跨國資本成本的計算 the cost of capital for foreign investments 跨國運轉資本會計 multinational working capital management 跨國經營企業業績評價 multinational performance evaluation 經濟風險管理 managing economic exposure
交易風險管理 managing transaction exposure
換算風險管理 managing translation exposure
國際投資決策會計 foreign project appraisal
國際存貨管理 international inventory management
股利轉移 dividend remittances
公司內部貸款 inter-company loans
凍結資金轉移 repatriating blocked funds
凍結資金保值 maintaining the value of blocked funds
調整後的淨現值 adjusted net present value
配比原則 matching
旅遊、飲食服務企業會計 accounting of tourism and service 施工企業會計 accounting of construction enterprises
民航運輸企業會計 accounting of civil aviation transportation enterprises 企業會計 business accounting
商品流通企業會計 accounting of commercial enterprises
權責發生制原則 accrual basis
農業會計 accounting of agricultural enterprises
實現原則 realization principle
歷史成本原則 principle of historical cost
外商投資企業會計 accounting of enterprises with foreign investment 通用報表 all-purpose financial statements
鐵路運輸企業會計 accounting of rail way transportation enterprises 所有者權益 owners equity
實質量於形式 substance over form
修正性慣例 principle of exceptions
資訊系統論 information system perspective
相關性原則 relevance
微觀會計 micro-accounting
客觀性原則 objectivity
可比性原則 comparability
謹慎性原則 prudence
金融企業會計 accounting of financial institutions
交通運輸企業會計 accounting of communication and transportation enterprises 建設單位會計 accounting of construction units
記賬本位幣 recording currency
計量屬性 measurement attributes
及時性原則 timeliness
貨幣計量 monetary measurement
會計準則 accounting standards
會計主體 accounting entity
會計職業道德 accounting professional ethics
會計職能 functions of accounting
會計預測 accounting forecasting
會計要素 accounting elements
會計研究 accounting research
會計學科體系 accounting science system
會計學 accounting
會計資訊 accounting information
會計任務 targets of accounting activities
會計人員 accounting personnel
會計確認 accounting recognition
會計目標 accounting objective
會計理論結構 theoretical structure of accounting
會計理論 accounting theory
會計控制 accounting control
會計決策 accounting decision making
會計監督 accounting supervision
會計假設 accounting assumption
會計記錄 accounting records
會計計量 accounting measurement
會計機構 accounting department
會計環境 accounting environment
會計核算 financial accounting
會計管理體制 system of accounting administration
會計分期 accounting periods
會計物件 accounting object
會計等式 accounting equation
會計本質 nature of accounting
會計報表 accounting statements
巨集觀會計 macro-accounting
會計 accounting
彙總報表 combination statements
劃分資本性支出與收益性支出原則 distinguishment between capital expenditure
and revenue expenditure
合併報表 consolidated financial statements
管理活動論 management activities perspective
管理會計 management accounting
管理工具論 management tool perspective
股份制企業會計 accounting of stock companies
公認會計原則 generally accepted accounting principle‚ GAAP
公共會計 public accounting
工業會計 accounting of industrial enterprises
個別報表 individual statements
高新技術企業會計 accounting of high technology enterprises
負債 liability
費用 expense
反饋價值 feedback value
對外經濟合作企業會計 accounting of foreign economic cooperation enterprises 對外報表 external statements
對內報表 internal statements
一致性原則 consistency
藝術論 art perspective
房地產開發企業會計 accounting of real estate enterprises
郵電通訊企業會計 accounting of post and telecommunication enterprises 預測價值 forecast value
真實與公允 true and fair view
持續經營 going concern
成本報表 cost statement
財務會計原則 financial accounting principles
財務會計概念框架 financial accounting conceptual framework
財務會計 financial accounting
政府及非營利組織會計 governmental and non-profit organization accounting 重要性原則 materiality
專用報表 special purpose financial statements
資產 assets
資金 funds
資金運動 funds movement
財務報告 financial report
財務報表要素 elements of financial statements
財務報表 financial statements
幣值穩定假設 constant-dollar assumption
保險企業會計 accounting of insurance companies
收入的確認 recognition of revenue
公司債券發行價格 corporate bond issuing price
固定資產折舊 depreciation of fixed assets
可轉換債券 convertible bonds
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