


  1. She was going to sell the house but had a changeof heart at the last minute. 她本來是要賣房子的,但在最後一刻,她改了主意。

  2. The anti-hunting campaigners are just a bunch ofbleeding hearts who don't understand thecountryside. 那些反狩獵者只不過是一些不懂鄉村生活的濫好人。

  3. Everyone in the office is especially cheerful on payday, since a heavy purse makes a lightheart.發工資那天辦公室裡的每個人都很高興,因為有錢心情才輕鬆!

  4. The sad condition of these refugees would move a heart of stone to sympathy. 這些難民的悲慘處境能使一個鐵石心腸動容。

  5. Yes, I'm a chicken-hearted softie. I never try anything too risky. 對,我是很膽小,我從來不做什麼太冒險的事情。

  6. Don't be so shy about talking to Edith. Faint heart never won fair lady. 別不敢和伊迪絲說話,懦夫難得美人心。

  7. My wallet was emptier than a banker's heart. 我的錢包空空如也。 8. I had my heart in mymouth when I heard the national anthem. 聽到國歌我很激動。

  9. His heart was in his boots as he waited for news of the accident. 在等待那場事故的訊息的時候,他很緊張。

  10. Don't let your heart rule your head. If you lend him that money you'll never see it again. 別感情用事,你借給他錢就有去無回了。


  1. I hope to win her heart and make her my bride.


  2. What the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn'tgrieve over.


  3. John always has his heart on his sleeve so thateveryone knows how he feels.


  4. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.


  5. John wanted a week's vacation so he could go to the lake and fish to his heart's content.


  6. I'd only met him once, and here he was, pouring out his heart to me.


  7. When I first saw you, my heart stood still.


  8. I just don't have the heart to tell him the bad news.


  9. He returned with a heavy heart.


  10. Tom looks very rough, but his heart is in the right place.
