


  A: As a child, he had a sturdy build.

  B: He was also tough. He always picked fights and usually won.

  A: The brawny kids always seem to be the bullies, don’t they?

  B: I think that’s because they can be forceful with the other kids on the playground and nobody will fight back.

  A: 對一個小孩兒來說,他體格算強健的。

  B: 他也很粗野,總喜歡打架而且常常獲勝。

  A: 強壯的孩子怎麼總是喜歡凌弱欺小?

  B: 我想那是因為在操場上和其他小孩子在一起時,他們特別霸道,沒有人敢還手。


  sturdy: 身體強壯的;結實的。

  build: 體格,體型。

  tough: 強健的,強壯的。能吃苦耐勞的。

  pick fights: 挑起事端,尋釁鬥毆。

  brawny: 肌肉結實的;強壯有力的。

  forceful: 有力的,強有力的。



  A: Scott and Charlene have just had their first child.

  B: Yes, I heard they’ve got a lovely bouncing baby girl.

  A: Scott和Charlene剛生了他們的第一個孩子。

  B: 對,我聽說他們生了一個健康可愛的小女孩。


  A: Toby looks sturdy of body and stout of heart.

  B: That’s because you need better glasses. He’s broken his leg.

  A: Tody看上去身強體健。

  B: 你真需要換一副好眼鏡了。沒看到他的腿摔折了?


  a bouncing baby: 健康的嬰兒。

  sturdy: 身體強壯的;結實的。

  stout: 身強力壯的。