


  I've lost confidence

  W: I didn't pass CET band 6.

  M: Keep working hard and you will pass it next time.

  W: But I 've lost confidence.

  M: He's bad-tempered actually.

  W: You are right.

  M: I've lost confidence in him.

  You are finding trouble for yourself

  W: Better not to get along with her.

  M: I love to be with her.

  W: You are finding trouble for yourself.

  M: Let me drive you home.

  W: No, thank you. I can go home alone.

  M: No, you are only finding trouble for yourself in that way.

  He sees me as a thorn in his flesh

  W: Why is the director so harsh to you today?

  M: He sees me as a thorn in his flesh.

  W: How did you offend him?

  M: He sees me as a thorn in his flesh.

  W: Why?

  M: Because I am better with my work.

  There's something wrong here

  W: Why did she look at people that way?

  M: There's something wrong here.

  W: Don't offend her.

  M: Why did the boss lose his temper today?

  W: There's something wrong here.

  M: Be more careful.

  Can't you have good manners

  W: Young man, Will you give your seat to the old man?

  M: Who gives me a seat?

  W: Can't you have good manners?

  M: Will you not swear when speaking?

  W: It's none of your business.

  M: Can't you have good manners?

  Do you think everybody is like you

  W: Let's go to the internet bar to surf online.

  M: Do you think everybody is like you, just likes to play?

  W: Are you going or not? I don't care.

  M: What a bad luck! I was scolded again today.

  W: Do you think everybody is like you? Never remembering anything good.

  M: Ah, my old trouble comes again.

  Speak of angels, and you will hear their wings

  W: Xiao Zhao is promoted to be our director.

  M: What are you talking about?

  W: Speak of angels, and you will hear their wings.

  M: Li Ming just said goodbye to his girlfriend.

  W: What are you talking about?

  M: Speak of angels, and you will hear their wings.

  It's no use to say anything

  W: I know I am wrong.

  M: It's no use to say anything.

  W: Please give me another chance.

  M: I am so sorry for my dog biting you.

  W: It's no use to say anything. I'll sue you.

  M: Shall we settle it between us?

  It never happens to you

  W: I want to buy a Chinese encyclopedia.

  M: It never happens to you!

  W: I am interested in science.

  M: Let me help you with the tidying up.

  W: It never happens to you.

  M: I can see you are doing so much housework.

  I don't care. It's up to you

  W: What do you think of the clothes?

  M: I don't care. It's up to you.

  W: Then I'll buy it.

  M: I'd like to watch football match tonight.

  W: I don't care. It's up to you.

  M: Thank you, my darling.