

  :抓基礎 補漏洞 練考試


  這第一步的執行期應該在2月份之前。在這一段時間內,我們應該重視英語學科的基礎語法知識,增加詞彙量,為迎接中考夯實基礎。學生在複習的時候一定要 細緻,不要放過基礎語法知識點中的任何一個;對於單詞,我們發現,完形填空和閱讀理解經常出現的難詞、生詞在歷年中考真題、模擬題中也是重複出現的高頻 詞,因此,我們可以針對這部分詞彙進行重點記憶。針對詞彙量基礎薄弱,攻克完形閱讀題目困難的考生,北京新東方中小學一對一推出了全新的詞彙520課程, 從近三年的30套真題和模擬題中提取前520個高頻詞彙,幫助考生短期內突破中考英語閱讀與完形。


  這第二步的執行期應該在3月份到一模期間。在經歷了前段時間的複習準備之後,我們有了一定量的語法知識儲備,詞彙量也增加了很多,但是,我們再仔細也 有可能百密一疏,那麼檢驗我們的時刻到了。這段時期,我們要大量做題,做歷年中考題和各城區歷年模擬題,在做題的過程中查漏補缺,找出我們遺漏或者混淆的 知識點,直到一模考試結束。北京新東方中小學一對一老師可以提供專業的試題講解和答疑課堂,同時針對學生薄弱題型進行高質量的提分輔導。




  英語學習是一個長期的積累過程,在這個過程中,我們應該做到以下三點:勤記、常翻、多練。勤記,就是要多做筆記,遇到不熟悉的單詞或者知識點就記下 來;常翻,就是做過的筆記要常翻常看,反覆記憶;多練,就是要多做練習題,加強對所學知識點的運用能力,並強化對知識點的記憶。


  1. It’s i________ for them to finish the task within such a short period of time.

  2. Though my friend was very busy, he i________ on seeing me off at the station.

  3. You’d better wear a suit and a tie when you attend a formal i________.

  4. The flight was two hours late and many passengers became i________.

  5. The patient has perfectly recovered from his i________.

  6. We must learn to be i________ and rely on ourselves when we grow up.

  7. The tour guide i________ some background information about this tourist attraction to us.

  8. I have sent i________ to ask my friends to take part in my birthday party.

  9. The manager would like to see the annual report i________ after he comes back to the office.

  10. It is i________ of you to shout at your parents in front of so many people.

  11. The band played many songs, i________ my favorite one.

  12. The i________of the computer marked the beginning of a new age.

  13. I prefer to watch a movie i________ of going shopping this Sunday.

  14. We must try our best to meet the needs of each i________ customer.

  15. We had to play i________ games as it rained heavily all day.

  16. Can you i________ how disappointed we felt when we lost the final competition?

  17. The more you try, the greater i________ you will make in your work.

  18. The rope is 24 i________ long. That’s to say, it is a two-foot-long rope.

  19. We apologize for any i________ caused by the restoring work.

  20. Many people prefer to buy dairy products that are i________ from other countries.
