erry Evanshen was one of Canadian football’s greatest receivers——a little man in a big man’sgame who carried the ball for more than 10,000 yards in 14 bone-jarring seasons. He playedevery down as if it was his last. And in all his years in the pros a career that put him in the top10 in total catches with a remarkable 92 touchdowns he surrendered only three fumbles. Astatistic that’s a measure of his legendary determination to never give up. Despite his Hall ofFame career, Terry’s memories of his playing days have been irretrievably lost to amnesia. The14 years that saw Terry win the Schenley Award for outstanding Canadian player twice, sevenall-star selections and a raft of other records have been forgotten.
特里•伊文森是加拿大橄欖球史上最偉大的接球手之一。在這項大個子的運動裡,小個子的他每逢比賽,要抱著球狂奔10000碼***約9144米***以上。他在狂暴而激烈的賽場上闖蕩了14個賽季。 每次進攻,他都將它看作是自己的最後一次進攻機會。他總共92次完成“觸地得分”,成績驕人。在他打職業賽的全部年頭裡,他是接球次數最多的十大優秀橄欖球手之一,他只掉過3次球。這些數字正是那他非一般的決心的真實寫照—永不放棄。 顯赫的職業生涯使特里在“名人堂”佔有一席之地。然而,他對自己輝煌歲月的記憶,都在失憶後被徹底抹掉了。14年中,特里曾經兩次榮膺象徵加拿大頂級運動員的“申裡獎”、七次入選全明星隊,並獲得無數其他榮譽,但這些通通被遺忘了。
It was in the summer of 1988 that his post-football career in sales was taking off. One day inJuly, his youngest daughter Jennifer remembers getting a phone call from Terry on his wayhome from work. “He called on his cell phone, and said, ‘I’ll be home in 10 minutes.’ Cominghome for a barbecue.” Jennifer said, “And I said, ‘I love you’ and he said, ‘OK, I love you. I’ll seeyou in 10 minutes.’” But as he passed through an intersection a van ran a red light, smashinginto Terry’s jeep, ripping him out of his seat belt and sending him hurtling five meters throughthe air. Within minutes Terry’s unconscious body was picked up by paramedics at the side ofthe road. Noticing his skin had taken on a deep blue hue——indicating a lack of oxygen——medics put a pipe down Terry’s throat, and he was rushed to nearby Oshawa Generalhospital. “By the time Terry came in, we were ready and waiting for him,” said MarianneTimmermans, one of the nurses who initially worked on him. He was in critical condition.
那是在1988年的夏天,退役後的特里經營的銷售事業正處於攀升階段。他最小的女兒詹妮弗回憶說,那是七月的一天,她接到了特里的電話。他告訴女兒,他已經下班了,正在回家途中。 “他是用手機打的電話。他說:‘我10分鐘後就到家。’他正趕回家燒烤,”詹妮弗說,“接著我說:‘我愛你。’他迴應道:‘我也愛你。10分鐘後見。’” 然而,當他駛過一個十字路口時,一輛大貨車闖紅燈,直接撞向了特里的吉普車,把繫著安全帶的特里撞飛,拋到了5米以外。 很快,不省人事的特里被救護人員抬到了馬路一旁。他的面板呈青紫色,很明顯他已經嚴重缺氧。醫生把一根管子插進了特里的喉嚨,他被迅速送到了附近的奧沙華全科醫院。 “特里被送進來之前,我們早已準備就緒,在等著他了。”當年照顧他的其中一位護士瑪麗安•提莫曼斯說。 特里的情況相當危急。
Moments later, police arrived at the Evanshen home with the news. Lorraine, Terry’s wife of 25years, remembers seeing him in the intensive care unit for the first time after the accident.There was nothing but machines all over him. He wasn’t a pretty sight, and at that time theirhope and that of the doctors wasn’t very good. Terry lay deep in a coma. But as unbelievableas his injuries seemed to be, so too were Terry’s powers of recovery. Three weeks after beingthrown from his vehicle, he came out of his coma. But although he was by all appearancesintact, Terry would soon reveal an injury far more severe than whatever damage had beendone to his body. A lifetime of memories had been vir-tually wiped clean. He didn’t evenrecognize his own wife. It wasn’t just his memories of people and events that had beenerased. When Terry awoke from his coma, he had been all but reduced to the level of a child;everything from his ability to talk and walk to his understanding of what it meant to be ahusband and a father were all gone.
過了一會兒,警察來到了伊文森家裡,將這一意外告知了他的家人。 和特里生活了25年的妻子洛蘭,回憶起事故後第一次在重症監護病房看到丈夫時的情形。 當時他全身上下接遍了大大小小的儀器。他看起來情況不妙,家人和醫生們都不抱樂觀態度。 特里處於深度昏迷狀態。 正如他的受傷是突如其來的一樣,他身體的康復能力同樣是讓人始料不及的。車禍後的三個星期,特里就從昏迷中清醒了過來。 雖然從表面看起來,特里的身體並沒有受太大傷害,但人們很快發現,車禍給特里造成的影響,遠不止身體上的傷害。 車禍把特里之前所有的記憶抹掉了,他甚至認不出自己的妻子。 消失的還不僅是特里對人物和事件的記憶。當他甦醒過來後,他倒退到了兒童的認知水平——無論是語言能力和行走活動,還是對“丈夫”和“父親”角色的理解,他和一個小孩無異。
At age 44, Terry Evanshen would be starting all over again. Terry had to retrain himself how tothink, how to speak, even relearning something as basic as how to shave. But as unsettling ashis behavior was for his family, what made it worse was that Terry’s brain could notunderstand the most basic human emotions. He recalls what it was like to live without a senseof what love is: not knowing what the word meant, I wouldn’t know how to look at otherpeople. I wouldn’t know how to show proper affection to you. What is that affection anyway?What is right, what should I do? But as much as Terry had a problem, he also had the supportof his family, marked by small victories and a renewed bond between him and his threedaughters like when they taught him how to play football again. “So I was standing there and Isaid ‘Put your hand out,’ like he used to,” said Terry’s daughter Tara. “So he did and thenTracey threw him the ball and that’s when he stood there, and that’s when I realized, ‘Oh mygod, I think he really doesn’t remember how to do this.’ ”
到了44歲的時候,特里•伊文森的人生突然被迫重頭再來。 特里必須重新學習如何思考,如何說話,甚至學習像刮鬍子這麼簡單的事情。特里的狀況讓家人痛心不已。更糟的是,特里的大腦已經完全無法理解最簡單的人類情感。 後來,特里回憶起在不明白愛的那段日子裡的生活情形:“不知道‘愛’這個字意味著什麼,我便不懂得該用什麼目光看別人;我不知道怎麼向他人恰當地表達感情;感情的涵義到底是什麼呢?怎樣做才是對的?我該怎麼做?” 特里遇到了困難,但他的家人一直不離不棄,他們在幫他一點一點地克服障礙,他和三個女兒之間也建立起了一種更加親密的關係。她們還教他打橄欖球。 “我站在那裡,對他說‘伸出手來’,就好像他從前曾做的那樣,”特里的女兒塔拉說。“於是他照做了,接著特蕾西把球拋給他,但他依然直愣愣地站在那裡。那一刻,我猛然意識到——‘噢,天啊,我想他真的已經忘了如何打橄欖球了。’”
But when Terry returned in 1992 from a six-month stint at a state-of-the-art rehabilitationcenter in Washington State, his recovery really began to pick up steam. It has taken years torebuild his shattered life, but today, more than 20 years since his playing days Terry is a highlysought after motivational speaker. He tells his inspiring story of perseverance and couragein his presentation, Seize Each Day. “Never forget, we’re all in this game of life together,”Evanshen said, as he frequently referred to his large stack of cue cards in his hands. “We willget to the finish line, one day at a time, one moment at a time, but celebrate the journey.Seize today, because yesterday is gone and is never coming back.” The subject of the mostwatched Canadian movie of 2005, The Man Who Lost Himself, Evanshen says his family hasbeen his most important asset. He stresses that he refuses to be a victim, claiming he is asurvivor.
然而在1992年,當特里結束了在華盛頓州一個頂級的康復中心所進行的六個月療程後,他開始加速復原。他花了多年時間讓生活重新恢復正常。然而在他的運動生涯結束了二十多年後的今天,他成了一位炙手可熱的勵志演說家。在題為《把握每一天》的激勵演講中,他講述了自己如何堅持不懈、勇敢面對生活的故事。 “別忘了,在生命這場競賽中,我們都是參與者,”伊文森在演說過程中,不時需要檢視手中的一大疊提示卡。“終有一天,我們會到達終點,生命中總會有那一刻的,但是,讓我們為過程歡呼吧。把握今天,因為昨天已經流逝,而且永遠不會再回頭。” 作為加拿大2005年最賣座的電影《丟失記憶的男人》的主角原型,伊文森說他生命中最重要的財富始終是家人。他強調,他沒有成為命運的受害者,他說他是與命運抗爭後倖存下來的人。
August 17, 2011
As the big weekend approaches I am more and more worried that I might break up during my toast so as a pre-emptive strike please accept this letter and gifts. My feelings about you and your marriage are personal and while I hope to share the sentiments with those at the dinner, it's more important to me that you realize how much I love you and how proud I am of the amazing woman you have become.
My memory for specifics is terrible but my memory for how precious you were as a child is vivid. I loved cradling you in my arms in the wee hours of the morning when you awoke for a bottle, draping your sleepy body over my shoulder when you were too pooped to walk, giving you under doggies in the park, tossing you high in the air in the pool in Marine, and reading kids books on the floor of the Denver book store with you on my lap. From your first days you have had a quiet, beautiful, and kind demeanor. You are thoughtful, sensitive, caring and loving. You were, and still are, an angel.
When I think of you as an adult, I think of your big heart. It's your heart that has led you to be a bright point of light causing millions of meals to be served to hungry kids. It is your heart that has led you to your vegetarian lifestyle. It is your heart that helps you care for family and friends in need. For these reasons I have selected three hearts that are this dad's gift to his soon to wed daughter.
One heart is a locket with a picture of you and me together. It's a reminder that of the men in your life I loved you first and will always love you forever and ever---the kind of unconditional love that your granny and grandpa have all their kids and grandkids all their lives.
The second heart is made of jade and has the Chinese character Fu. Jade represents luck and Fu means happiness. Maria and I want your life to be filled with both. David is a very good man, a lucky man, and when I see you two together, arms draped over neck and around waist, we see happiness. You guys have fun together, a child like fun that we hope lasts a lifetime.
The third heart is just pretty and represents your beauty, not the vane kind but the inside and out kind. You are wonderful, loving gift from god, a beautiful human being.
So we are thrilled that you are entering this exciting phase of your life, we're thrilled that you have landed in a family that places family as the highest priority in life, one that has swallowed up in the Lauren clan, remember that your mom and I loved you first and, along with Maria we will love and support you always.
Finally, the wedding will be amazing. I can't wait to see you walk down the aisle in your beautiful gown. And I can't wait to dance with you in celebration. My hope is that the event and the whole weekend will bring lasting memories, like an epic move.
A father's greatest dream is that his child's life is filled with joy---that is my hope for you, our hope for you and David.
This from your devoted and proud...Dad
P.S. I can't wait to love your kids the way I love you.
Chivalry is not dead! A woman notices whether a man opens the door for her, walks closer tothe traffic or pulls out a chair for her when she sits. This is something that separates any manfrom the pack.
2、Emotionally Available
A quick web search on relationship woes will reveal that being emotionally unavailable is adisease claiming the lives of many men. If you are a man who is afflicted by this disease, youwould do well to seek help immediately! Being a man means being able to share how you feeland not worry about how you'll be seen.
3、Attention To Detail
Women enjoy a man who pays attention to the small details and can recall them at a much latertime. This will win any man huge points! For example, let's say your woman of interest tells aninconsequential story about lunch with a friend and in passing she mentions the name of therestaurant. Two weeks later you ask her, "How was the restaurant XYZ you went with yourfriend the other day? I was thinking we should go out for dinner tonight." A man will beinstantly elevated to a level of superhero status, if at a later time, he can remember the smalldetails and demonstrate he was really listening.
女性喜歡那些能注意細節並在稍後能回想起細節的男士。這個特點會為男士贏得超高分! 舉個例子,假如你是名男士,你感興趣的那名女士講述了她和朋友吃午飯的這樣一個無關簡要的故事,在講述的過程中,她提到了那家餐館的名字。兩週後,你問她,“你覺得你那天和朋友一起去的那家XYZ餐館怎麼樣呀?我在想今天晚上我們去哪裡吃飯。” 如果一名男士在一段時間後,還能記起一些細節,就說明他真的是在用心傾聽,他的地位會在瞬間提升到超級英雄那個級別。
4、Compliment Genuinely and Compliment Unexpectedly
Yes, she may look great when she is dressed up and you should definitely let her know. But, itis also important to let a woman know just how special she is to you in her day-to-day life. Seeher laugh, smile or dimple in her cheek and compliment her on it.
For any relationship to be successful there must be a sense of trust. Honesty is the glue thatholds a relationship together and also an attractive feature. Even when it might not be themost pleasant news to tell a woman, it is better for a man to be open and honest than to tell alie.
Confidence is the key to being attractive. It will grab any woman's attention. And confidenceshould not be confused with arrogance, which involves a false sense of self. But, rather beingconfident involves taking stock in who you are ***not what you do***.
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