《Girlfriend》的歌詞和音譜由艾薇兒·拉維尼和路加博士***Dr. Luke***共同編寫[6] ,音樂製作由路加博士連同Matt Beckley、史蒂文·貝克利負責。而對於歌曲的創作靈感,艾薇兒·拉維尼在接受媒體採訪時透露,《Girlfriend》是她在喝醉酒的狀態下創作的,聽者甚至可以在這首歌裡聽到碰杯的聲音。
《Girlfriend》歌曲的MV由The Malloys導演掌鏡,拍攝於美國加利福尼亞州的諾沃克。MV中出現的兩個女孩子均由艾薇兒扮演,她們分別是:一個戴著眼鏡、紅頭髮,給人一種"乖乖女"的感覺;另一個則是
Hey hey, you you, I don't like your girlfriend
No way, no way, I think you need a new one
Hey hey, you you, I could be your girlfriend
Hey hey, you you, I know that you like me
No way, no way, you know it's not a secret
Hey hey, you you, I want to be your girlfriend
You're so fine, I want you mine, you're so delicious
I think about you all the time, you're so addictive
Don't you know what I can do to make you feel alright?
Don't pretend, I think you know I'm damn precious
And hell yeah I'm the mother fucking princess
I can tell you like me too and you know I'm right
She's like so whatever
You can do so much better
I think we should get together now
And that's what everyone's talking about
Hey hey, you you, I don't like your girlfriend
No way no way, I think you need a new one
Hey hey, you you, I could be your girlfriend
Hey hey, you you, I know that you like me
No way, no way, you know its not a secret
Hey hey, you you, I want to be your girlfriend
I can see the way, I see the way you look at me
And even when you look away I know you think of me
I know you talk about me all the time again and again
So come over here and tell me what I wanna hear
Better yet, make your girlfriend disappear
I don't wanna hear you say her name ever again
Cause she's like so whatever
And you can do so much better
I think we should get together now
And that's what everyone's talking about
Hey hey, you you, I don't like your girlfriend
No way, no way, I think you need a new one
Hey hey, you you, I could be your girlfriend
Hey hey, you you, I know that you like me
No way, no way, you know it's not a secret
Hey hey, you you, I want to be your girlfriend
In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger
'Cause I can, cause I can do it better
There's no other, so when's it gonna sink in?
She's so stupid, what the hell were you thinking?
In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger
'Cause I can, cause I can do it better
There's no other, so when's it gonna sink in?
She's so stupid, what the hell were you thinking?
Hey hey, you you, I don't like your girlfriend
No way, no way, I think you need a new one
Hey hey, you you, I could be your girlfriend
***No way, no way***
Hey hey, you you, I know that you like me
No way, no way, you know it's not a secret
Hey hey, you you, I want to be your girlfriend***No way, no way***
Hey hey, you you, I don't like your girlfriend
No way, no way, I think you need a new one
Hey hey, you you, I could be your girlfriend
No way, no way
Hey hey, you you, I know that you like me
No way, no way, you know it's not a secret
Hey hey, you you, I want to be your girlfriend
No way, no way, hey hey!
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