


  What are you doing? 你在幹什麼?

  He is playing basketball now. 他現在正在打籃球。

  2. 表示現階段一直進行的動作:

  Lucy is studying law while her sister is doing physics. 露西學習法律,她姐姐學習物理。


  3. 表示按照計劃即將發生的動作:


  He is leaving Suzhou a few days. 幾天後他將離開蘇州。

  He is coming.他就要來了。

  4. 表示剛剛過去的動作:***動詞為某些表示說話的詞:tell,talk,say等***

  Believe it or not, I am telling the truth.不管你信不信,我說的都是實話。

  I don’t know what you are talking about. 我不知道你們在說什麼。

  5. 表示某種感情色彩:與頻度副詞***always, continually, constantly, for ever***連用。

  He is always complaining about the house. 他總是抱怨這間房子。

  She is continually finding fault with me. 她總是對我吹毛求疵。

  6. 表示婉轉語氣:***僅限hope, wonder等少數詞。***

  I am hoping you will give us some advice. 我希望你會給我們一些建議。

  I am wondering if you can help us. 我想知道你能否幫我們。

  7. 表示“逐漸”:


  The leaves are turning red in autumn. 秋天樹葉漸漸地變紅了。

  Our country is becoming better and better. 我們國家正變得越來越好。

  8. “be”動詞的現在進行時:表示說話者認為是短暫的、和平常不一樣的、甚至是偽裝的一種現象。


  He is being foolish. 他在裝傻。

  She is being rude. 她故意表現粗魯。





  sing ____dance_____put____see____buy_____love______live____take____come____get_____

  stop_____ sit ____ begin_____ shop_____


  The boy ________ *** draw***a picture now.

  2. Listen .Some girls ________ *** sing***in the

  classroom .

  3. My mother __________ *** cook ***some nice food


  4. What _____ you ______ *** do *** now?

  5. Look . They _________*** have*** an English lesson . 6.They ________***not ,water*** the flowers now.

  7.Look! the girls ________________***dance ***

  in the classroom .

  8.What is our granddaughter doing?

  She ________***listen *** to music.

  9. It’s 5 o’clock now. We _____________***have***

  supper now

  10.______Helen____________***wash ***clothes?

  Yes ,she is .


  1. They are doing housework .


  否定句: _________________

  2.The students are cleaning the classroom .


  否定句: _________________

  3.I’m playing the football in the playground .


  4.Tom is reading books in his study .




  時間狀語:now, look, listen,It’s …o’clck,

  What are you _________***do*** now?

  I _________***eat*** bread.

  2. It’s nine o’clock. My father_________***work***

  in the office.

  3. Look, the boy____________***put*** the

  rubbish into the bin.

  4. ________he______***clean*** the classroom?

  No, he isn’t. He__________***play***.

  5. Where is Mak? He_________***run***

  on the grass.

  6. Listen, who_________***sing*** in the music room? Oh, Mary_______***sing*** there.