


  一. 聽力部分***25分***

  I. 聽句子,選出你所聽到的字母或單詞.***5分***

  *** ***1. A. Gg B. Jj C. Ee

  *** ***2. A. Ss B. C. Hh

  *** ***3. A. those B. this C. these

  *** ***4. A. too B. two C. to

  *** ***5. A. aunt B. uncle C. cousin

  Ⅱ. 聽句子,選擇適當的答語。***5分***

  *** ***6. A. Yes, that is. B. No, it’s a book. C. Yes, it is.

  *** ***7. A. It’s good. B. It’s a pencil. C. That is a desk.

  *** ***8. A. It’s a cup. B. It’s Tom. C. It’s under the bed.

  *** ***9. A. It’s black. B. It’s a hat. C. It’s my hat.

  *** ***10.A.. Ruler. B. Pen. C. Jim.


  11._______ 12. 13._________ 14._________15__________


  *** ***16. A. On the chair. B. On the table. C. In the schoolbag.

  *** ***17. A. Jenny’s. B. Linda’s. C. Tom’s.

  *** ***18. A. 6381-9071. B. 62 81-9170 C. 6 280-9170.

  *** ***19. A. Susan. B. Mike. C. Jack.

  *** ***20. A. Yellow. B. Red. C. Blue.


  *** ***21.Anna is ______years old.

  A. 8 B. 9 C.10

  *** *** 22.Eric Brown is Anna’s _______.

  A. mother B. father C. cousin

  *** *** 23. Anna’s grandfather is _______.

  A. Frank B. Dale C. Alan

  *** *** 24.Cindy is Anna’s _______.

  A. daughter B. sister C. cousin

  *** *** 25.Cindy is Mary ’s ________.

  A. daughter B. aunt C. cousin

  二. 基礎知識 ***55分***


  26.we的賓格形式________ 27.this的對應詞__________

  28.key的複數形式________ 29. is am are的原形________

  30.aren’t的同音詞 _______ 31.black的對應詞________

  32.box的複數________ 33.my的名詞性物主代詞 ______

  34. is not縮寫 ________ 35.father的對應詞________


  36. E_______ me, where is No.2 Middle School?

  37. Ms. Miller has***有*** a s______ , his name is Jack.

  38. My book is u_________ the bed.

  39. ---Where are my computer games?

  ---Sorry, I don’t k_______.

  40.---The blue pen is mine. What a______ this dictionary?

  ---It’s hers.

  41. My father’s mother is my g .

  42.This is my f_______ photo. These are my parents and this is me.

  43. Spell your name, p .

  44. I am t______ , but Paul is not. His things are everywhere.

  45. T_______ _ for your help.


  46. Is ________ your grandfather? *** his ***

  47. Here _______***be*** two photos of my family.

  48. This is not Jenny’s notebook . _______ *** she*** is yellow.

  49. That book is_________ .***Mike***

  50. Are_______ ***that*** your brothers?

  51. You can see________ ***they*** books on the desk.

  52. Anna ’s three___________***dictionary*** are on her desk.

  53. Tom_______***lose*** his school ID card in the morning.

  54. She is _______***we***English teacher.

  55. Some ________***pen*** are in my pencil box.


  *** *** 56. Mary is _____ English girl.

  A. a B. an C. the D. /

  *** *** 57. ---Is this your eraser?

  ---No, It's _____ .

  A.mine B. her C.his D. you

  *** *** 58. –Thank you your help.

  -- .

  A.of, I am OK B.for, You’re welcome. C.of, No thanks D. for, Yes, I am

  *** *** 59. That is my good friend. _____name is Tom.

  A.Her B.His C.He D.She

  *** *** 60. ---Is this your pencil?

  ---Yes, ______.

  A. this is B. that is C. it is D. it’s

  *** *** 61.---Tony,________ is my good friend,Harry.


  A.this B.that C.it D.he

  *** *** 62. You can ask your teacher _______it.

  A. for B. in C. at D. after

  *** *** 63.---What can you see in the _______

  ---A bed, a table and a bookcase.

  A. bag B. sofa C. room D. hat

  *** *** 64---_______ is the boy?

  ---He is Jim’s brother.

  A. What B. Who C. Where D. How

  *** *** 65.Please e-mail me Tina126 @qq.

  A. at B. to C. for D. in

  *** *** 66. ---Is that your father?

  ---No. It’s my uncle, my mother’s_______   .

  A. son B. sister C. daughter D. brother

  *** *** 67. ---Are these your grandparents?

  - --No,_______.

  A. these aren’t B. they aren’t C. they are D. he isn’t

  *** *** 68 .--Where is the map?

  ---It’s my room.

  A. on, parent’s B. in, parent’s C. on, parents’ D. in, parents’

  *** ***69 .I’m tidy, Gina is not.

  A. and B. but C. always D. everywhere

  *** ***70 .---Hi, Sally. Your watch is nice.


  A. No, thanks B. Yes, please C. It isn’t nice D. Thank you


  71. The book is on the desk.The clo ck is on the desk.***合併為一個句子***

  The book ________ the clock ________ on the desk.

  72. Are they your parents? ***改為同義句***

  Are they your ________ and your ?

  73.His hat is on his head.***改為複數句***

  Their hats on heads.

  74.This banana is yellow .***就劃線部分提問***

  is this banana?

  75. My schoolbag is on the chair.***就劃線部分提問***

  ________ is__________ schoolbag?



  A: Excuse me, Mike. I can’t find my watch. 76

  B: Sorry, I don’t know. 77

  A: No, it isn’t.

  B: Is it on the table?

  A: No. 78

  B: Oh, is it under the table?

  A: No, it isn’t my watch. 79 . It is my sister’s. Here is blue.

  B: Is it in the drawer?

  A: Yes, it is. 80 .

  76.________ 77._______78._________79.__________80.__________


  81. What color is your schoolbag?


  82.What’s your telephone number??


  83. Are you 12 years old***歲***?


  84. What’s your English name?

  _________________________________________ 85. Who is your good friend?


  四. 閱讀部分***20分***

  ⅩⅢ. 完形填空***10分***

  This is Mrs. Green's nice room. We can see 86 pictures and a map of China 87 the wall***牆***. Three books are on the desk. A cup is on the 88 ,too. A 89 is under the desk,and her bag is on the chair. The bed is next to ***挨著*** her desk. A picture 90 Mrs. Green's family is on the bed. 91 people are in the picture:Mr. Green,Mrs. Green and their 92 . Mr. Green and Mrs. Green are 93 . 94 daughters—Lucy and Lily are 95 . They are in No. 2 Middle school.

  *** ***86.A.a B. an C . some D. the

  *** ***87.A.under B. on C. of D. at

  *** ***88.A.wall B. chair C. table D. desk

  *** ***89.A.chair B. bed C. table D. chairs

  *** ***90.A.on B. of C. for D. in

  *** ***91.A.Three B. Four C. Five D. Six

  *** ***92.A.parents B. daughters C. uncle D. father

  *** ***93.A.teachers B. teacher C. student D. friend

  *** ***94.A.His B. Her C. Their D. Hers

  *** ***95.A.students B. boys C. teachers D. parents



  Lost:A white dog

  My name is Alan Green. My phone number is 216-0911.You can e-mail me at alan6512@163.

  Found:A purple schoolbag

  An English book,a dictionary and som e keys are in it. My name is Jenny Black. My phone number is 612-7878.

  Found:A photo

  I found a photo in the school library. A teacher,a girl and a boy are in the photo. The teacher is in a blue jacket.

  Is it yours?Call Mike at 216-9871.

  Lost:A model plane

  I lost my model plane. I must find it. Call Bill at 678-0911.E-mail me at bill808@126.


  *** ***96. Alan can't find his ________.

  A.schoolbag B.dog C.photo D.model plane

  *** ***97.What's NOT in the schoolbag?

  A.A dictionary. B.An English book. C.A notebook. D.Some keys.

  *** ***98.What color is the teacher's jacket?

  A.White. B.Yellow. C.Blue. D.Purple.

  *** ***99.If you find a model plane,you can call ________.

  A.Alan B.Jenny C.Mike D.Bill

  *** ***100.Mike's telephone number is ________.

  A.216-9871 B.678-0911 C.216-0911 D.612-7878


  My name is David. I am an American boy. My family are in Beijing now. My parents work***工作***there. I have***有***a sister but no brothers. My sister and I are the students of a middle school in Beijing. We love China. We have a nice house in Beijing. My room is big. There is ***有*** a bed, a desk and a computer in it. My books are on my desk and next to my computer. There are some pop singers***流行歌手的*** pictures on the wall. I like them.

  根據短文內容判 斷正***T***誤***F***.***5分***

  *** ***101. There are four people in David’s family.

  *** ***102. David has ***有*** a brother.

  *** ***103.The computer is next to the books.

  *** ***104. Some pictures of pop singers are on the wall.

  *** ***105.There is a TV***電視*** in his room.


  姓名 David Green

  學校 No. 1 Middle School

  電話 86579218

  介紹相片 parents, two sisters

  介紹自己房間物品擺放 books, bookcase, pencil box, desk, baseball, bed

  假如你是David, 請根據表格資訊,介紹你自己。



  Hi, my name is David Green


  一. 聽力部分***25分***

  Ⅰ 1—5 BBCCA Ⅱ. 6—10 CBCAC

  Ⅲ 11—15 ADEFB Ⅳ. 16—20 ACACB

  Ⅴ 21—25 CBACA

  二. 基礎知識 ***55分***

  Ⅵ. 26 us 27.that 28. keys 29. be 30. aunt

  31.white 32. boxes 33. mine 34. isn’t 35. mother

  Ⅶ. 36. Excuse 37. son 38. under 39. know 40. about

  41. grandma/grandmother 42.family 43.Please 44.tidy 45.Thanks

  Ⅷ 46. he 47. are 48.Hers 49.Mike’s 50. those

  51. their 52.dictionaries 53. lost 54. our 55. pens

  Ⅸ. 56—60 BCBBC 61—65 AACBA 66—70 DBDBD

  Ⅹ. 71. and are 72. father*** mother*** / mother ***father *** 73.are their

  74.What color 75.Where your

  三. 交際運用***10分***

  Ⅺ.76—80 GAECF

  Ⅻ. 81—85 ***略***

  四. 閱讀部分***20分***

  ⅩⅢ. 86—90 CBDAB 91—95 BBACA

  ⅩⅣ. *** A *** 96—100 BCCDA

  *** B *** 100—105 TFTTF

  五.書面表達***10分*** ***略***

  評分標準: 一檔10分. 完全符合要求,書寫工整,語言流暢,不出現任何錯誤.

  二檔.8--9分. 符合要求,但存在個別的句子結構或書寫等錯誤.

  三檔: 6--7分. 基本符合要求,但錯誤出現在五處以上。

  四檔: 6分以下. 教師可酌情處理.

  注: 句子結構,大小寫及書寫等錯誤每1—2處扣0.5分.