Firstly, the senior school life is different from the junior school life.Generally speaking, the teachers m senior school tend to adopt different teaching methods and they pay more attention to the ability training . Therefore,my suggestion is that you should adjust to their methods.
Secondly, as senior students you are supposed to explore your own learning methods, for effective learning methods are mole important.If you know how to learn you will make full use of your spare time and make greater progress.
Thirdly, it is of vital importance that you should learn how to get along with your teachers and classmates.You can build up a good relationship with them by respecting your teachers,helping your classmates. In communicating with them you will grow up healthily and improve a lot.
In a nutshell, it is important to learn how to adapt to the new school life.You arc expected to
have a start.
I am Hanmei,I spend the beautiful middle school life and will enter the senior high school. I have have idea what should about the coming new life.As I know many guys in this group are old than I ,so I ask you guys for help.First,What should I prepare for my new life?second,how do I start to learn the new courses of the senior high school?these are some problems I need to solve,anybody will help me?we can chat in detail.many thanks!
Today was the first day of my new life. I looked at my new books and checked everything for the new school year. I was excited as well as worried.
Entering new school, I was curious about everything, new classrooms, new teachers, new classmates etc. It would be a new start for each student. And what I was worried about is that I had no friends here. I wondered if no liked to play with me. Were the teachers strict with students?
I fell relaxed when the teacher asked me, ''What else could I help you, freshman?". I found that the teachers were kind and polite, and the classmates around me were friendly. While I was thinking about how to get on well with my classmates, my desk mate showed me his favorite Ipad4s. He wanted to play with me, but I didn't know how to play, so he taught me patiently, and we played happily.
Worries have gone, and happiness is coming.
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