
  五一國際勞動節亦稱"五一節",在每年的五月一日。它是全世界無產階級、勞動人民的共同節日。 勞動者通過鬥爭,用頑強、英勇不屈的奮鬥精神,爭取到了自己的合法權益,是人類文明民主的歷史性進步,這才是五一勞動節的精髓所在。所以,人們才這麼注重勞動節。下面小編為大家帶來,歡迎大家學習!


  May holiday is coming. Our family is going to do something. Today I called my little brother's phone at the noon. He asked me what I am going to do in the holiday. I told him we want to go on a trip some day during but where we don't decide to go. We are going to sleep in the morning May first. Then we are going to go to Dawukou by bus in the afternoon. We are going to have a day off May 2nd. If it's will fine in May 3rd we are going to go out on trip. I am going to go to the Forest Park. Your sister's husband is going to hometown Xiamiao. He wants to go fishing.

  Gui Zexuan is going to climb the hill with his friends. We are discussing. I asked my little brother what plans you are going to in the holiday. He invited us to go his home. He wanted to go Suyukou with us. I was glad to hear the news. Our family decided to go Yingchun to Suyukou on trip.


  On May 1sh, I'm going to my grandmother's home.I think that must be very significative.Because she is too old to visit me and my parents, and she must be very have in mind our.

  I will go for a walk with my grandmother and buy she some summer wears.they must fit her like best. Of course , I don't think that is a easy work! So it must takes me many time.

  After shopping, we will have a good rest and have lunch in my grandmother's home.

  And then, I will clean the home with my grandmother.

  At last, I go home.

  Of course, I must finish my homewolk.


  May holiday is coming. Our family is going to do something. Today I called my little brother's phone at the noon. He asked me what I am going to do in the holiday. I told him we want to go on a trip some day during but where we don't decide to go. We are going to sleep in the morning May first. Then we are going to go to Dawukou by bus in the afternoon. We are going to have a day off May 2nd. If it's will fine in May 3rd we are going to go out on trip. I am going to go to the Forest Park. Your sister's husband is going to hometown Xiamiao. He wants to go fishing.

  Gui Zexuan is going to climb the hill with his friends. We are discussing. I asked my little brother what plans you are going to in the holiday. He invited us to go his home. He wanted to go Suyukou with us. I was glad to hear the news. Our family decided to go Yingchun to Suyukou on trip.