Today, my mother burned to eat my favorite braised fish. I witnessed the mother fish fish washing process.
Mother first ready material: carp, onions, ginger, garlic, sugar, soy sauce, coriander, rice wine, salt, cooking oil and green pepper.
These materials are ready, my mother began to wash the fish. She saw a knife to scale, and then remove the fish gills, and fish bubble remain in the belly, to puncture the bubble of fish, the fish maw with black all the debris removed, cleaned the fish, fish evenly in a few designated marks I can spare.
Mother heated the pot, when smoking pot when the oil poured into a little, let the pot coated with a layer of oil, then add a small amount of cooking oil, fry after a good wash pot Add the fish and then release into some rice wine, so you can remove the fish smell, adding a teaspoon of sugar, a small amount of soy sauce.fish can be a color, then start adding cold water, let the fish submerged in water, adding green onions, ginger, garlic, pepper and salt, and then after the fire to boil, to low heat, boil 40 minutes, adding parsley, Finally, a pot of tasty braised fish cooking in her mother under the care of.
My favorite food is Chinese dumpling; its pronunciation is jiao zi in Chinese. It is a traditional Chinese food and essential during holidays in Northern China. And it is also popular in other Chinese holidays or festivals, so it is part of the Chinese culture or tradition.
I like eating dumpling not because I am from Northern China but because it is really very delicious and stand for reunion. My family usually eat dumpling when all the members of family come together. Making dumplings with my sisters is the happiest thing for me.
Chinese dumpling is one of the most important foods in Spring Festival. Since the Spring Festival marks the first day of a brand new year, the first meal is rather important. People from north and south have different habits of the food, so they eat different foods on this special day. In Northern China, people usually eat dumplings.
Chinese dumpling is a delicious food. You can make a variety of Chinese dumplings with different fillings. It depends on your taste and how various ingredients mixed together by you.
Usually if you have Chinese dumpling for dinner, you will not have to cook anything else except for some big occasions. The dumpling itself is good enough for dinner. This is one of the advantages of Chinese dumpling over other foods, though it may take longer time to make them.
Making dumplings is really teamwork. All family members often make dumplings together. It is also a good time to share their stories with each other. I started to make dumplings when I was a kid in my family, so most Chinese like me know how to make dumplings.
In our country, there are plenty of delicious foods. They are popular among Chinese people. I like eating very much. There are many food I like, such as chicken, fish, beef, tofu, noodle and so on. Among them, fish and tofu are the food I like most. Fish is delicious as well as rich in nutrition. It's good to our health. There are various cooking methods and I think the simplest way is the best one. Tofu is my favorite as well. It can be cooked with many other dishes. Different tastes combine with each other to make the food more delicious.
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