






  Whom do you travel with?




  Where do you think they may go?

  其中,do you think 是疑問式插入語,其餘部分是think的賓語從句。注意,疑問式插入語同句子的其餘部分不用逗號分開。疑問式插入語還有do you hope, do you guess 等。


  That man, I guess, is neither a policeman nor a soldier.


  You’d better ***not***… ***do sth.*** 這個說法常用於提出“勸告,建議,告戒”。 比較委婉的有禮貌的說法是 Would you like …? 或 What about ***doing***…?。 如,

  It’s too dark. You’d better leave at once.

  I’m afraid ***that*** …

  I’m afraid ***that*** I can’t go with you today.



  並列句的考查重點是並列連詞。並列連詞有and, or, but, both… and, neither… nor, either… or, not only… but also…等。



  ① 賓語從句



  賓語從句本身是敘述句是,用that 引導。

  He said ***that*** he would leave on March 12 next weeek.


  Do you know where we can find our teacher?

  賓語從句本身是一般疑問句時,用if 或whether引導。

  I don’t know if / whether he has done that.

  B. 賓語從句與主句時態的呼應。

  主句謂語是現在時和將來時的時候,賓語從句的動詞時態不受影響。如,It is said that the panda was sent to America last month.


  a*** 由現在時調整為過去時。

  I didn’t know you were also here.

  b*** 由將來時調整為過去將來時

  He said that he would go to Beijing the next week.

  c*** 過去時態多數不受影響,但“一般過去時”常調整為“過去完成時”,尤其是從句中有before, since 一類的時間狀語時,多調整為“過去完成時”如:

  She said she had worked at this school before her father came to this city.

  ② 狀語從句。

  狀語從句有時間狀語從句***常由when, while, before, after, until, as soon as等詞引導***、地點狀語從句***常有where 引導***、原因狀語從句***常有because, since, as 引導,這三詞所表達的語氣由because到as逐漸減弱,由why提出的問題必須用because 來回答***, 條件狀語從句***常由if引導***、結果狀語從句***常由such … that…, so…that…, so that等引導 ***、讓步狀語從句***常由though, although引導***。

  ③另外,今年新加了一個定語從句,其考查內容主要是正確使用關係代詞{who***指人***、that***指人或物***、which***指物***} , etc. 定語從句一般緊跟在修飾詞的後面,如:

  She is the person who I want to see. 她就是我想見到的人。

  有時,為了使句子平衡,也可把定語從句與所修飾詞分開。同學們還記得這樣一句話嗎?Then a screen came up that read, “Congratulations!” 這是第三冊第54課中的一個句子。


  1. The traveller was ___ tired that she couldn’t walk on.

  A. so B. very C. too D. quite


  2. Do you know ___ ten years ago?

  A. where does he live B. where he lives C. where did he live

  D. where he lived


  3. He didn’t go home ___ he finished the work.

  A. since B. if C. because D. until


  4. I was reading the newspaper ___ I heard a loud shout outside.

  A. while B. when C. though D. as


  5. I don’t know the man ___ is cleaning the door.

  A. that B. where C. what D. who



  1. I didn’t remember ___ the woman before.

  A. where I had seen B. where I have seen C. where had I seen

  D. where have I seen


  2. It was raining heavily ___ we got to Paris.

  A. while B. if C. when D. because


  3. The plane hasn’t arrived. Can you tell me ___?

  A. what time is the plane late B. why is the plane late

  C. why the plane is late D. what time the plane is late


  4. I don’t know if ___tomorrow?

  A. it doesn’t rain B. the rain will stops C. the rains won’t stop

  D. it won’t rain



  Ⅰ. 句型轉換 ***按要求完成句子***

  1. Those children are students.***否定句, 一般疑問句***

  2. We can see a lot of girls in the picture. ***否定句, 一般疑問句***

  3. They will go to England for a visit. ***否定句, 一般疑問句***

  4. The young men aren’t having a party. ***肯定句, 一般疑問句***

  5. She has been to Shanghai already. ***否定句, 一般疑問句***

  6. Don’t be noisy, please. ***用quiet改為肯定句,***

  7. Stand in front of the class. ***否定句, 反意疑問句***

  8. Both Mary and Tony are good students. ***否定句, 一般疑問句***

  9. All the students in our class are going to visit the Science Museum. ***否定句, 一般疑問句***

  10. There is an English test on Friday. ***反意疑問句***

  11. There will be a report on Chinese history tomorrow. ***否定句, 一般疑問句***

  12. Tom has his lunch in the school. ***否定句, 一般疑問句, 反意疑問句***

  13. John does his homework at home. ***否定句, 一般疑問句, 反意疑問句***

  14. He saw the TV news yesterday evening. ***否定句, 一般疑問句, 反意疑問句***

  15. I think you are right. ***否定句, 一般疑問句***

  16. This kind of car is made in Japan. ***否定句, 一般疑問句***

  17. Arthur runs fastest in his class.***就劃線部分提問***

  ________ runs fastest in his class?

  18. Bob”s painting was put up on the wall of our school.***同上***

  ________ painting was put up on the wall of our school?

  19. Chapter One is very difficult to learn. ***同上***

  ________ chapter is very difficult to learn?

  20. Mary does her homework after supper in the evening. ***同上***

  ________ ______ Mary ______ after supper in the evening?

  21. He has borrowed four books from the school library. ***同上***

  _______ _______ he borrowed from the school library?

  22. It took him 30 minutes to get there. ***同上***

  ______ ______ ______ it take him to get there?

  23. My father is a teacher in the school. ***同上***

  _______ ________ your father ______ in the school?

  24. It will be Wednesday the day after tomorrow. ***同上***

  ________ ______ will it be the day after tomorrow?

  25. There are Three thousand people in the factory. ***同上***

  _______ _______ people _______ _______ in the factory?

  26. Linda’s mother works in a big hotel. ***同上***

  _______ _______ Linda’s mother work?

  27. They usually go to school by bus. ***同上***

  _______ _______ they usually go to school?

  28. They couldn’t pass the exam because they didn’t work hard. ***同上***

  _______ _______ they pass the exam?

  29. He said something important at the meeting.***改為否定句,一般疑問句***

  He _____ ______ ______ important at the meeting.

  ______ he ______ ______ important at the meeting?

  30. I have to wash all the plates and things after meals.***劃線提問***

  _____ _____ you have to wash all the plates and things?

  31. The woman in the red coat is her mother.***劃線提問***

  ______ ______ is her mother?

  32. Li Ping spent twenty yuan on the dictionary.***劃線提問***

  _____ ____ ____ Li Ping _____ on the dictionary?

  33. Both of his parents are workers.***改成否定句***

  ___ of his parents ______ a worker.

  34. He went to the park with his sister.***劃線提問***

  _____ ____ ____ he go to the park?

  35. We really enjoyed working on the farm.***劃線提問***

  What _____ you really enjoy ______?

  36. She writes to her parents once a week.***劃線提問***

  _______ ______ ______ she write to her parents?

  37. Our P.E teacher has been at this school since he came.***劃線提問***

  ______ ______ ______ our P.E teacher been at this school

  38. It’s ten minutes’ walk from my home to the school.***對劃線部分提問***

  ______ _______is it from your home to the school?

  39. She is going to be a nurse in the future.*** 對劃線部分提問***

  __________is she going to ______in the future?

  40. Allan will go back to England by plane next month. .*** 對劃線部分提問***

  ______ _______ Allan go back to England next month.

  41. John went to see his grandmother once a week. .*** 對劃線部分提問***

  __________ ________ _________ John go to see his grandmother?

  42. I have been to Beijing twice. .*** 對劃線部分提問***

  ___________ _____________ ___________ have you been to Beijing.

  43. The old man can hardly dress himself.***改為反意疑問句***

  The old man can hardly dress himself,__________ _________?

  44.Jim is ill. Let’s go and see him after school. ***改為反意疑問句***

  Jim is ill. Let’s go and see him after school,___________ ____________?

  45. I don’t think his father knows English. ***改為反意疑問句***

  His father hardly knows English,_______ ___________?

  46. He thinks his aunt is right. ***改為反意疑問句***

  He thinks his aunt is right,___________ ___________?

  47. Linda’s just come back from America . ***改為反意疑問句***

  Linda’s just come back from America, ___________ ___________?

  48. It is cold today. ***改寫成感嘆句***

  How __________ it is today!

  49. She sings very well. ***改寫成感嘆句***

  __________ well she sings!

  50. He speaks English fluently! ***改寫成感嘆句***

  __________ __________ he speaks English!




  1. 多棒的書啊!

  2. 多麼有趣的故事呀!

  3. 多麼漂亮的花呀!

  4. 多麼大的雪呀!

  5. 多麼誠實的孩子呀!

  6. 時間過得真快呀!

  7. 好涼快呀!

  8. 精彩極了!

  9. 多麼高的樓房呀!

  10. 多麼糟糕的天氣呀!

  11. 多麼明亮的陽光呀!

  ***B***主語+謂語 ***S+V***

  1. 他們將接受建議。

  2. 外國遊客將於本週六抵達。

  3. 在中國,人們經常吃餃子來慶祝春節。

  4. 他和他的妻子兩年前居住在英國。

  5. 他們將飛往巴黎去參觀博物館。

  6. 校長通常比老師們早到學校。

  7. 漁民在四月份捕了很多魚。

  8. 他正喘著粗氣。

  9. 消防員正在體育館裡進行乒乓球比賽。

  10. 長頸鹿和它的孩子正在森林裡散步。

  ***C*** 主語+系動詞+表語 ***S+P+V***

  1. 那個年長的男人是我們工廠的工程師。

  2. 教練們正在練習如何使用計算機。

  3. 總統正在聽音樂會。

  4. 三明治和蔬菜在冰箱裡。

  5. 大學生們正在準備競賽。

  6. 他是一個著名的飛行員。

  7. 我覺得這個主意太好了。

  8. 昨天我借的那本書非常有意思。

  9. 對我來說解決這個問題是很重要的。

  10. 那個嬰兒看上去好像睡著了。

  11. 天氣變得越來越暖,花聞起來很香。

  12. 他總是保持沉默。

  13. 樹葉在秋天變黃。

  14. 我的體溫看來是正常的。

  ***D*** 主語+及物動詞+賓語

  1. 爸爸喜歡晚飯後看報紙。




  5.這位醫生在給誰做手術? ***S+vi+prep+O***

  6.這些外國遊客昨天晚間到達瀋陽. …







  ***E*** 主語+謂語+直接賓語+間接賓語











  ***F*** 主語+謂語+賓語+賓語補足語









  ***G*** There be 句型




  33.桌子上有5本書 1個文具盒和3個作業本。



















  1. What a wonderful book it is!

  2. What an interesting story it is!

  3. What beautiful flowers they are!

  4. What heavy snow it is!

  5. What an honest boy!

  6. How time flies!

  7. How cool!

  8. How wonderful!

  9. What tall buildings they are! / How tall the buildings are!

  10. What bad weather it is! / How bad the weather is!

  11. What bright sunshine it is!/ How bright the sunshine is!

  ***B***主語+謂語 ***S+V***

  1. They will accept the advice.

  2. The foreign visitors will arrive this Saturday.

  3. In China, people often eat dumplings to celebrate the Spring Festival.

  4. He lived with his wife in England two years ago.

  5. They will fly to Paris to visit the museum.

  6. The principle often goes to school earlier than teachers.

  7. The fisherman caught a lot of fish in April.

  8. He is breathing heavily.

  9. The firemen are playing table tennis in the gym.

  10. The giraffe is walking with the baby in the forest.

  ***C***主語+系動詞+表語 ***S+P+V***

  1. The elder man is our factory’s engineer.

  2. The coaches are practicing how to use computer.

  3. The president is at the concert.

  4. The sandwiches and vegetables are in the fridge.

  5. The college students are preparing for the competition.

  6. He is a famous pilot.

  7. It sounds like a fantastic idea to me.

  8. The book I borrowed yesterday is very interesting.

  9. It is important for me to solve the problems.

  10. The baby seemed to be asleep.

  11. The weather gets warmer and warmer, and the flowers smell sweet.

  12. He always keeps silent.

  13. The leaves turn brown in autumn.

  14. My temperature seems all right.


  1. Father likes reading newspapers after supper.

  2. He has just finished his handwriting.

  3. Our monitor doesn’t want to give up maths.

  4. I wonder whom you agree with.

  5. Who is this doctor operating on?

  6. These foreign travelers arrived in Shenyang yesterday evening.

  7. She is afraid of climbing.

  8. Maybe I need some sleep.

  9. The baby stopped crying.

  10. Mary enjoys listening to me.

  11. I didn’t know how to save time at the age of my childhood.

  12. That Russian would like to buy some wine.

  ***E*** 主語+謂語+直接賓語+間接賓語

  13. Mrs. Wang bought a tie for her husband as his birthday present.

  14. Please show us those art treasures.

  15. She lent her notebooks to her secretary.

  16.His spirit gave me much energy.

  17. The old woman made some sausages for the kids.

  18. He showed me some pictures of the Great Wall.

  19. The manager lent me a pair of gloves.

  20. This new handbag cost him six hundred yuan.

  21. We call those people from Europe European.

  22. Would you show us which way to take?

  ***F*** 主語+謂語+賓語+賓語補足語

  23. He found it important to learn English.

  24. John will ask me to help him with his physics this evening.

  25. I won’t let you go without seeing them.

  26. Someone saw him crying in the street last night. ]

  27. Have you heard her sing before ?

  28. I found the girl in a red dress the day before yesterday.

  29.We found him a excellent pilot.

  30. He told me not to give you anything.

  ***G***There be 句型

  31. There is a little water in the glass.

  32. There are a lot of trees on each side of the road.

  33. There is a knife , two rulers and an eraser.

  34. There are five books a pencil-case and three exercise books.

  35. There was a bike near the house a moment ago.

  36. There are going to be two football matches tomorrow afternoon.

  37. There will be 20 more trees to be planted.

  38. There have been great changes in my hometown during the past 20 years.

  39. There hasn’t been rains for years.

  40. There may be another earthquake tonight

  41. There must be another reason for his decision

  42. There is nothing to worry about.

  43. There is little time left.

  44. There is something wrong with my bike.

  45. There’s nothing much wrong with you.

  46. There used to be a meeting on Monday last month.

  47. There seem to be something wrong with my computer.

  48. There happened to be an accident that day.

  49. There stands a little building.