






  5.百位以上的數字的表達以及讀在表達百位以上的數字時,必須在百位,十位和個位之間加and,在讀音時也應讀上and,如:104可表達為one hundred and four,486讀作four hundred and eighty-six。

  6.“萬”的表達.英語中沒有萬和億單詞,只有百***hundred***,千***thousand***,百萬***million***,十億***billion***。英語中表示“萬”時,用10千。如:forty thousand四萬。表示“億”時需用百萬來表示。如:two hundred million兩億。

  7.1,000以上的數字,從後向前數。每三位數加“,”。第一個“,”前為thousand,第二個“,”前為million,第三個“,”前為billion.3,333,333,333讀為three billion,three hundred and thirty-three million, three hundred and thirty-three thousand,three hundred and thirty

  8.hundred,thousand,million 前有若有具體數字時,要用單數形式,但如果他們後面有of ,則要用複數形式。同時,前面不能再加具體的數目。


  1 第一,第二,第三分別為first,second,third.

  2 第四到第十九都有相應的基數詞加th構成,有幾個特殊,即fifth,eighth,ninth,twelfth.

  3 第幾十把y改為 i加eth.. twentieth,ninetieth

  4 序數詞之前要加定冠詞或代詞。但序數詞表名詞時,可不用冠詞。Who won first?


  He failed once .Then he tried a second time.


  6 100以上的序數詞的表示方法 第100為100th ***讀作 one hundredth***,101st 讀作one hundred and first,其他的依次類推


  1 分數的表示法:分子用基數詞,分母用序數詞,當分子大與一時,分母用複數形式。

  2|3 two thirds 3|5 three fifths

  2 整數與分數之間用and 連線。 One /an hour and a half

  3 分數的用法結構為“分數+of+the+名詞”表示“。。。。的幾分之幾”,當其作主語時,謂語動詞的單複數取決於短語中名詞的複數

  One third of the shop assisstant in this departmentstore men


  公元1900年:讀作 nineteen hundred.

  公元1908年:nineteeen and eight或nineteen hundred and eight 或one nine oh eight

  2004年11月25 日:November 25***th***,2004***thNovemb讀作November ***the*** twenty-fifth,two thousand and four.

  在表示時間時,英語中常用日—月—年或月---日---年的順序。如2004年6月1日在英語中可寫為:June1,2004或1 June ,2004 或1/6/2004 或1.6,2004。在美國也可寫為 6/1/2004或6.1,2004


  8:21讀作twenty-one past eight 或eight twenty –one

  8:56 讀作four to nine 或eight fifty-six

  8:30 讀作eight-thirty 或 half past eight

  在表達時刻時,如果在30分鐘內,可用past 和after,如9:25 作 twenty –five past nine 或twenty-five after nine.如果超過30分鐘,則用to ,如9:55讀作 five to ten


  一、 不定冠詞的用法


  I am reading an interesting story.

  There is a tree in front of my house.


  A horse is useful to mankind. A bird can fly.


  My father is a doctor.

  My wish is to become a teacher when I grow up.


  We often go to school twice a day.

  Take this medicine three times a day and very soon you’ll feel better.


  A boy came to see you a moment ago. I got this tool in a shop.

  We need a car now. She is ill, she has to see a doctor.


  a few 幾個 a little 有點 a lot of 很多

  have a good time 玩得高興 have a rest 休息一下

  She has a few friends in this city. There is a little milk in the bottle.



  a moment ago 一會兒前 twice a week 每週兩次

  for a time 一段時間 in a while 一會兒後

  in a moment 一會兒後 just a moment/minute 一會兒

  after a time/while 一段時間之後

  二、 定冠詞的用法


  The bag in the desk is mine. Is this the book you are looking for?

  2. 指上文中已提到過的人或事物或談話雙方都知道的人或事物。

  I bought a book from Xinhua book-shop.The book costs 15 yuan.

  Would you mind turning up the radio a little? I can’t hear it clearly.


  the sun太陽 the moon 月亮 the earth 地球 the sky 天空

  the world 世界 the winter night 冬夜

  I like to have a walk with the bright moon light in the evening.


  The dog is not dangerous.


  A cat has sharp eyes at night. Cats are loved by many people.

  The cat can catch the mouse. The cats here don’t like fish.

  前三句中的a cat, cats, the cat 都可表示泛指意義的“貓”,但之間略有區別。a cat 突出強調這類事物中的任何一個;cats突出強調貓這一群體;the cat是與其他事物相對照而言的。第四句中的the cats 是特指。


  the poor 窮人 the rich 富人 the wounded 受傷者

  the sick 病人 the deaf 聾子

  The new is to take the place of the old.


  This is the biggest city in China I have ever visited.

  He is the first to come and the last to leave.


  We have friends all over the world.

  My parents live in the peaceful countryside.


  The little girl likes to play the violin.

  They are going to the cinema tonight.


  I am reading the China Daily now.

  Have you got the Evening Paper yet?


  We live near the Yellow River.

  The Changjiang River is the biggest one in China.


  The Greens are very kind to us. The Whites like the classic music.


  by the way 順便 join the army 參軍listen to the radio 聽收音機 tell the truth 說實話 go to the cinema 去看電影

  all the same 完全一樣 just the same 完全一樣

  with the help of 在…的幫助下

  on/over/through the radio 從收音機上

  三、 不用冠詞的用法


  I think water is a kind of food , too. Money is not everything.


  It’s time for breakfast. What do you have for lunch?


  ① 如果指具體的飲食詞前用定冠詞the。

  The dinner I had at that restaurant was expensive.

  ② 當三餐前有形容詞修飾時常加不定冠詞。

  We had a rich lunch yesterday.


  Summer is hot and winter is cold here. New Year’s Day is coming.

  Today is the first day of May.

  Do you like to play football or baseball?


  Can you speak English? It’s difficult to learn Physics well.


  Mr. Smith, head of the group, will plan for the whole trip.

  I usually help my Dad on the farm on Sundays.

  6.名詞前如果出現this, that, this, my, Jane’s, some, any等限定詞時,其前不能再加冠詞。

  This is my address. His camera is like mine.


  by air 乘飛機 on foot 步行 at night 晚上

  after school 放學後 at home 在家 go to class 上課

  in fact 事實上 from morning till night 從早到晚