
   Scene 1:

   I came to the United States, I had the impression that women

   in America were stronger than men, both in society and at home. But now

   I feel that that was a distorted picture.

   can say that again. American’s a man’s world too.

  張:還沒來到美國之前,在我的印象裡,以為美國女人無論在社會上 或家庭裡都比男人強,



   Scene 2:

   Yang:I think there is a sharp contrast between Chinese and Americans.For example,

   the Americans are very individualistic, while the Chinese are very group-oriented.

   can say that again. Chinese are very conscious of what other people think

   of them.




   Scene 3:

   United States is an egalitarian society in terms of interpersonal


   can say that again! The woman I just went out to dinner with insisted on

   paying her own way. And when I took her home she kissed me goodnight!


  張:一點也沒錯!剛才和我一起去吃飯的那個女人,不但堅持自己付錢,而且當我送她回家時,還親吻我道晚安! 用法:用於親朋友間,表示同意他的看法。

   Scene 1:

   I came to the United States, I had the impression that women

   in America were stronger than men, both in society and at home. But now

   I feel that that was a distorted picture.

   can say that again. American’s a man’s world too.

  張:還沒來到美國之前,在我的印象裡,以為美國女人無論在社會上 或家庭裡都比男人強,



   Scene 2:

   Yang:I think there is a sharp contrast between Chinese and Americans.For example,

   the Americans are very individualistic, while the Chinese are very group-oriented.

   can say that again. Chinese are very conscious of what other people think

   of them.




   Scene 3:

   United States is an egalitarian society in terms of interpersonal


   can say that again! The woman I just went out to dinner with insisted on

   paying her own way. And when I took her home she kissed me goodnight!


  張:一點也沒錯!剛才和我一起去吃飯的那個女人,不但堅持自己付錢,而且當我送她回家時,還親吻我道晚安! Don’t get me wrong. 請別誤解我。



  看法難免有失平衡,或太過極端,而不表示同意,想再重申自己的看法或立場時,可以直接以" Don’t get me wrong."

  做開場白,然後接著把自己的看法陳述出來。 如果你想用"Don’t misunderstand me."亦未嘗不可。

   Scene 1

   get me wrong. I think Kevin is a very nice person,

   but you have to admit he isn’t very responsible.

   Beth:I guest you are right. He’s got a lot of growing up to do.



   Scene 2

   get me wrong. I like Linda a lot as a friend,

   but I don’t want my brother to get hooked on her.

   Terry:I know what you mean. She’s so pushy sometimes.



   You’re telling me. 說得沒錯。


   Scene 1:

   was a tough test. 貝蒂:好難的考試啊!

   telling me! 鮑勃:就是呀!

   Scene 2:

   new teacher’s so good-looking. 貝蒂:我們的新老師長得很好看。

   Jane: You’re telling me. 珍妮:就是啊!

   Scene 3:

   really humid. 鮑勃:溼氣很重喲!

   telling me. 貝蒂:是啊!

  註釋:You are telling me 不適宜用在像一流大飯店這樣的場合,故在此種情形下,服務員和客人對話應該如此:

   really cold, isn’t it?

   Waiter:It certainly is./ Yes, it is.

   Just about --- 差不多了


   A:Are you through typing my paper? 我的報告打完了嗎?

   B:Just about. I only have three more pages to go.差不多了,還差三頁。

   There you go. --- 喏,行了


   A:My zipper won’t zip.

   B:Let me see. There you go. It was just caught on a string.



   Like what? ----- 比方說......

   Tom: What kind of food do you like?

   Betty: I like simple food.

   Tom: Like what?

   Betty: well, Japanese is my favourite.

   You’ll get it soon. ---- 很快你也就會了

   A: I wish I could dance half as well as you.

   B: Don’t worry, you’ll get it soon.

   A: 但願我的舞蹈能跳得有你一半好就好了。

   B: 不要擔心,很快你也就會了。

   That’s sweet of you.

   ---- 謝謝你一番好意

   A: Hey,Mom,I bought you a present.

   B: Oh,a purse! That’s sweet of you,dear.

   A: 嗨,媽,我買了一樣禮物給你。

   B: 哇,一個手提包!謝謝你的好意,孩子。

   Be my guest.

   ---- 請勿客氣;請用

   A: Excuse me, Miss, but may I share your table?

   B: Of couse. Be my guest.

   A: 對不起,小姐,我可以與你同座嗎?

   B: 當然,請勿客氣。

   It is a date.

   ---- 就這麼說定啦

   A:How about going to the movies with me on Sunday?

   B:What time?

   A:How about 8:30?

   B:O.K. It’s a date.