


  allow for 考慮到,顧及,為…留出預地

  appeal to 訴諸,訴請裁決***或證實等***

  bring about 導致,引起

  fall back on 藉助於,依靠

  account for 說明…的原因,是…的原因

  ccuse…of… 控告;譴責

  get at 夠得著,觸及;意思是,意指;查明,發現;指責

  go in for 從事,參加;愛好

  hang on to 緊緊抓住;保留***某物***

  turn out 製造,生產;結果是;驅逐;關掉,旋熄

  call off 取消

  care for 照顧,照料;喜歡

  check in ***在旅館、機場等***登記,報到

  check out 結帳後離開,辦妥手續離去

  come up with 提出,提供,想出

  count on/upon 依靠,指望

  count up 共計,算出…的總數

  draw up 起草,擬訂;***使***停住

  take over 接受,接管;借用,承襲

  take in 接受,吸收,接納;理解,領會;欺騙;包括

  pay off 還清***債***;付清工資解僱***某人***;向…行賄;得到好結果,取得成功

  make up for 補償,彌補

  look over 把…看一遍,把…過目;察看,參觀

  look through 詳盡核查;***從頭至尾***瀏覽

  live on 靠…生活,以…為食物lie in ***問題、事情等***在於

  lie in ***問題、事情等***在於

  stick out ***把…***堅持到底;突出,顯眼

  stick to 堅持,忠於,信守;緊跟,緊隨;貼上在…上

  set out 陳述,闡明;動身,起程;開始;擺放

  set forth 闡明,陳述

  set about 開始,著手

  put in for 正式申請來源:考試大的美女編輯們

  refer to…as… 把…稱作,把…當作

  let go***of*** 放開,鬆手

  hold out 維持,保持;堅持***要求***,不屈服

  hold back 躊躇,退縮;阻止,抑制;隱瞞,保守***祕密等***


  abide by,conform to , comply with 遵守

  ***be*** abundant in***be rich in*** 富於,富有

  of one’s own accord***willingly***自願地 ,主動地

  in accordance with ***according to*** 依照,根據 in terms of 根據

  take…into account***take into consideration***把..。考慮進去

  for the benefit of 為了…的利益

  get the better of ***=defeat sb。*** 打敗

  in blossom開花

  in bulk 成批地

  center on***=focus on*** 把注意力集中在…上

  by chance***=accidentally, by accident***偶然

  charge sb. with …控告某人犯有…

  on no account***=in no case, for no reason***絕不要

  adapt oneself to***=adjust oneself to*** 使自己適應於

  in addition to***=as well as***除…外

  in advance 預告, 事先。考試大論壇

  take advantage of ***=make the best of, make use of***利用。

  in the air不肯定,在謠傳中。

  appeal to sb. for sth. 為某事向某人呼籲. appeal to sb. 對某人有吸引力

  approve of贊成 in favour of 贊成

  assure sb. of sth向…保證, 使…確信

  make an attempt at doing sth. ***to do sth。*** 試圖做…

  attend to侍候,照料

  attribute…to把.。歸因於.. contribute to 有助於 due to 是由於

  at one’s back支援,維護

  on the basis of 根據…

  round the clock***晝夜不停地

  commit oneself to 致力於

  compare…with … 把…與…比較 compare…to… 把…比作…

  on condition that ***if***如果 in the event that

  confide in 對…講真心話,

  be confronted with 面對, 面臨

  in connection with與…有關

  be conscious of***=be aware of***覺察,知道

  consent to同意

  under consideration 在考慮中

  consist of***=be composed of***由…組成的

  contrary to ***opposite to*** 與…相反

  in contrast to/with 和…形成對比

  by contrast 對比之下 by comparison 比較起來

  at all costs不惜任何代價 . go to any length想一切辦法 by all means不惜一切。

  at the cost of 以…為代價***at the expense of***

  to one’s credit使某人感到光榮

  be critical of 愛挑毛病的,不滿

  out of date過時的;up to date最近的,時興的; date back to回溯到; date from從某時期開始

  on the decline 在衰退中, 在減少中

  in demand有需求

  deprive sb. of sth. 剝奪某人某物

  deviate from 偏離

  enter for 報名參加

  be entitled to有權…,有資格…

  be equipped with 裝備有,裝有

  in essence 本質上

  at all events 無論如何 at any rate 無論如何

  in the event of***=in case of***萬一

  with the exception of ***apart from*** 除去…., 除…以外

  in excess of超過

  exchange…for 以…交換

  fall back ***retreat, turn back*** 撤退

  dispose of ***get rid of ,throw away***處理掉

  beyond dispute 無可爭議 in dispute 在爭議中

  distinguish…from 把…與…區別開

  do away with廢除,殺掉

  on earth 究竟, 在世上

  at ease自在

  go into effect 生效. come into effect; take effect 開始生效

  place***or put, lay*** an emphasis on 強調…上

  at one’s wit’s end 智窮計盡

  come to and end ***finish*** 結束

  exert oneself to do sth. 努力


  lose faith in 對…失去信心

  fall into the habit of養成…習慣

  in fashion時興,流行

  be fed up with 厭煩

  in one’s honour ***in honour of***祝賀,紀念on memory of 為紀念…

  on one’s honour 以某人的名譽擔保

  be identical with和…相同

  come into existence開始存在

  beyond expression無法形容

  go to extremes 走極端

  in the twinkling of an eye 一眨眼,轉眼間

  keep faith with 對…守信用

  impose…on 把…強加在

  impress…on 給…留下印象

  inclusive of 把…包括在內

  indicative of 表明, 說明

  be inferior to 比…差 superior to

  be innocent of 無罪的

  in the interests of 符合…的利益

  interfere in干涉 intervene in 干預

  be involved in捲入

  be jealous of 妒忌

  ***be*** keen on 喜愛, 渴望 long for

  at large未被捕,詳盡,普遍

  lean against ***背***靠著…

  in the light of考慮到, 根據

  be subject to 受支配

  suspect sb. of 疑心某犯有…

  on second thoughts 經再三考慮之後

  be typical of 是…的特點

  in view of考慮到來源:考試大

  be in the way礙事, 阻礙 in the way 對…方式 in a way 從某種程度上說

  at the thought of一想到

  yield to 對…屈服

  at the mercy of任…擺佈, 在…支配下

  make the most of 充分利用

  nothing but 只有, 不過…而已

  take notice of ***pay attention*** 注意

  object to 反對 objection to ***接動名詞*** 反對

  once in a while ***=occasionally*** 偶爾

  originate in/from起源於

  on the outskirts ***of*** 在城郊

  keep pace with 跟…並駕齊驅

  take pains 盡力

  part with 分手,捨棄,賣掉

  participate in ***take part in***參加

  beside the point 離題 to the point 中肯, 切題

  in practice 實際上,業務熟練

  be***get*** out of practice 荒疏,不熟練

  in the presence of 在…在場的情況下

  preside over / at 主持***會議,業務等***

  prevail over 佔優勢, 壓倒, 戰勝

  prevent…from 使…不, 防止…做

  previous to在…之前 prior to 在前

  take pride in***=pride oneself on*** 以…自豪

  in progress進行中

  in proportion to 與…成比例

  out of the question不可能 out of question 毫無疑問 in question所談及的

  at random隨便地, 任意地

  react to 對…作出反應

  reason with ***=argue*** 以理服人

  refer to…as 把…稱做…

  relevant to 與…有關的 in relation to …有關

  resort to 訴諸於.。

  respond to 對…反應

  restrain…from抑制. restrict…to把.。限制於.。

  give rise to ***lead to*** 引起, 導致

  for the sake of ***for the good or advantage of *** 為了…起見

  be for sale 待售

  on sale甩賣

  scrape through***in*** 勉強通過

  in season 旺季

  for short為簡便,簡稱 in short簡稱 be short of缺乏,不夠

  take the side of 站在…一邊

  set the world on fire非常成功

  at first sight乍一看

  free of charge 免費

  furnish…with ***supply*** 向…提供

  take…for granted 把…認為理所當然的。

  on the ground of ***=because of*** 以…為理由

  be guilty of有…罪或過失

  come to a halt ***stop*** 停止

  head for前往 leave for 到…去

  at the sight of 一看見… be in sight看得見 out of sight 看不見

  speak ill of 說…的壞話; speak well of 說…的好話

  specialize in 擅長, 專攻

  on the pot在現場, 在出事地點,立即

  stand against反對stand for支援…

  stick to 粘著, 堅持

  submit…to 提交