Faced with the rapidly rising costs of employee benefits, companies are scaling back. It'sbecome distressingly clear that employees are increasingly on their own when it comes toretirement savings and health care.
Employers don't typically trash ***丟棄*** an important employee benefit-too much negativepress-but they are shifting more of these costs onto workers. who feel it in the form of higherhealth-care premiums, rising co-payments on drugs and much less certainty about theirretirement finances.
Towers Perrin. a global human-resources-consulting firm, recently surveyed hundreds of U.Spanies representing more than 13 million employees on changer they are making-orcontemplating making-to their employee-benefits packages. The knife cuts deepest on themost expensive benefits, with the biggest often being healty care.
It costs the average American company more than $14,000 per year to provide coverage to anemployee and her family. The employer's response: shift more of that growing burden toworkers. As a result, companies have seen their health-care spending rise 29% over the pastfive years.but employees have seen their outlays-for premiums, co-pays and deductibles-rise40%.
Retiree health care is getting hit hardest-just when the boomer generation needs it most. Ofthe employerssurveyed, 45% have already reduced or eliminated subsidized health-carecoverage for future retirees, and an additional 24% are planning to do so or considering it. Ofthose offering the perk***額外補貼***, roughly 25% put a dollar limit on how much they will spendper retiree. "Once the limit is reached, future inflation risk transfers to the retiree," notes RonFontanetta. an executive with Towers Perrin.
Corporate pensions, the third leg of the proverbial retirement stool ***the other two being SocialSecurity and personal savings***, are also being eroded as the foundering ***下挫的*** stock marketwreaks havoc on employer pension funds. At the end of 2008. employer-sponsored pensionplans were underfunded by more than $400billion, according to Mercer, a management-consulting firn. The recent stock-market rally has halved that deficit. but it remains a fundingsore spot and is one more reason that companies are turning away from this benefit.
"Companies initiated many of these benefits in a different time," says Fontanetta. "Retireebenefits started being offered when many companies had a young workforce with few retirees.so it was not really a cost they had to contend with.” Today it's the reverse, particularly in old-line industries.Detroit’s Big Three automakers, for example, have more than Four rimes asmany retirees as active hourly workers.
1. Instead of ending important employee benefits. employers are_____________.
2. According to Towers Perrin's survey, which 8spect of employee benefits is the most profoundly impacted?
3. The scaling down of retiree health greatly affected_________________.
4. Because of the stock market slump, companies are giving up_________________.
5. The last paragraph implies that companies cut back on retiree benefits because of_____________________.
1.[shifting more of these costs onto workers]
2.[Health care.]
解析:根據題幹中Towers Perrin 查詢到第3段。題幹the most profoundly impacted 是對原文cuts deepest的近義改寫。題目問的是具體某方面的削減,答案在後面找,即員工福利削減最大的是醫療保健。
3.[the boomer generation]
解析:原文說在boomer generation 最需要退休醫保的時候,退休醫保被削減最多,即退休醫保的縮減對 the boomer generation 影響很大。
4.[corporate pensions]
解析:該段第1句提到,股市下跌對企業養老金基金產生極嚴重的破壞。最後一句說,雖然股市有所反彈,但企業還是turning away from this benefit,題幹giving up對應原文turning away from,this benefit 指代的是 corporate pensions。
5.[the larger number of retirees]
解析:原文說企業起初提供福利的情形和現在不同。原來退休員工很少,但是現在退休員工佔多數,可以提煉成the larger number of retirees。
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