.:The Apple Of Discord1
The wedding of Peleus and the sea-goddess Thetis2 were held and all gods were invited. Buther absence3 of one goddess was clearly noticeable. It was Eris, the goddess of discord. Asshe planted seeds of discord wherever she went, it was natural that her presence at theceremony was not desirable. She had good reason to feel angry. So she decided to make funof4 the group at the party. Eris slipped5 into the hall after the couple left and rolled on the floora golden apple , having the words, “For the fairest”. It caused a violent quarrel among thethree goddesses, Hera , Athena and Aphrodite. Zeus found it advisable to send them before ashepherd boy on Mt Ida, Paris by name , for judgment. Hermes, the messenger, took theapple in his hand and led the goddess away.
Paris was son of Priam, king of Troy. As his mother dreamed at his birth that she was bearing apiece of burning wood, the babe was regarded as representing the destruction of the cityitself. To save the kingdom from possible disaster6 , the parents had the helpless infant lefton top of Mt Ida to die. However, he survived his ill fate. Brought up by the herdsmen, hebecame a strong, handsome lad. He was secretly united with Oenone, a fair and faithfulmountain fairy maiden. On this particular day, as he was taking care of his sheep on themountain side, the youth was surprised to see four human beings standing before him. Hermestold him about his mission and left. The three holy beauties then competed with each other,showing themselves up before the shepherd. Hera promised to make him king of Asia. Athenaundertook7 to help him get imperishable fame in war; whereas Aphrodite offered to secure forhim the love of the most beautiful woman in the world. The primitive instinct of the boy thusmoved, Aphrodite won the prize , and the other two goddesses left in anger and became deadlyenemies of Troy.
Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks with proper words in the passage :
1. But the absence________ one goddess was clearly noticeable.
2. It was natural that Eris, the goddess of discord, her presence________ the ceremony wasnot desirable.
3. He decided to make fun________ the group at the party.
4. Eris slipped________ the hall after the new couple left.
5. As his mother dreamed ________ his birth that she was bearing a piece of burning wood,the babe was regarded representing ________ the destruction of the city itself.
Ⅱ. Questions :
1. Who rolled the golden apple on the floor?
2. Who were the three goddesses to compete to win the apple ?
3. Who at last won the title of“ the fairest”and what was the disaster?
Ⅰ. 1. of 2. at 3. of 4. into 5 . at / as
Ⅱ. 1. Eris rolled the golden apple on the floor. 2. The three goddesses were Hera, Athena ,Aphrodite. 3. Aphrodite at last won the title of“ the fairest”, but it made the other twogoddesses become the deadly enemies of Troy.
珀 琉斯和海神西蒂斯結婚時邀請了所有的神靈。但是, 顯然有一位女神不在邀請之 列, 她就是厄里斯——— 不和女神。由於她在所到之處撒播不和之種, 人們自然不希望她出 席婚宴。厄里斯理所當然地感到憤怒。她決定嘲弄宴會上的眾神一番。當新娘新郎退場 後, 厄里斯偷偷溜進了大廳, 往地板上丟擲了一個金蘋果, 上書“ 獻給最美的神”。這在赫 拉、雅典娜和阿佛洛狄特三位女神之間引起了激烈爭執。宙斯認為將她們帶到愛達山上一 位名叫帕里斯的牧羊人那裡, 讓他來裁決才是明智的。海爾墨斯作為使者, 手持金蘋果, 領著三位女神離開了。
帕里斯是特洛伊國王皮安姆的兒子。由於他母親在生他時, 夢到自己手持一根燃燒的 木頭, 於是人們認為這孩子會給城市帶來毀滅之災。為了使王國免遭可能之禍, 國王及王 後把尚無自理能力的孩子扔到了愛達山頂。就這樣, 孩子還是擺脫噩運, 活了下來。在牧 人們的精心撫養下, 孩子長得既強壯又英俊。他偷偷地與漂亮忠誠的奧諾妮山神結了婚。 在這個不同尋常的一天, 帕里斯正在山腰照看羊群, 驚奇地發現四個人站在他面前。海爾 墨斯講完帕里斯所要做的事情之後就離去了。三位美麗的女神立即爭吵起來, 競相在這位 牧羊人面前表現自己。赫拉許諾讓他成為亞細亞國王, 雅典娜願意幫助他在戰爭中得到不朽 的榮譽, 而阿佛洛狄特則保證讓他得到世上最美的女人的愛。小夥子原始的本性被激發 了出來, 阿佛洛狄特得到了金蘋果, 而另兩位女神則怒氣衝衝地離開, 成了特洛伊城的死 敵。
還記得那個砸在牛頓頭上的蘋果嗎? 它可算得上是蘋果家族中最值得驕傲的一員。 今天這個蘋果也不遜色, 它在女神中間挑起的嫉妒和氣憤竟然引發了那場持續十年之久、 從而使眾多無辜百姓飽受戰爭之苦的特洛伊之戰。一直以來, 我們認為神都是十全十美 的。而希臘神話的一大特點就是眾神都有鮮明的性格, 她們也有七情六慾, 也會為了美貌 和榮譽爭風吃醋。這是不是在提示我們: 希臘神話中的神靈所具有的人性要遠遠大於“ 神 性”呢?
1. 本篇選自希臘神話。希臘神話指古代希臘人就他們的神和英雄、宇宙的性質和他們自己 的宗教活動所推出的全部神話和故事。它在西方社會流傳極廣, 對現代西方文學、宗教、 藝術等方面有著舉足輕重的影響。另外, 希臘神話中的很多詞語也極大地豐富了英語詞 匯。這篇the apple of discord 就是其中一例。an / theapple of discord 如今已經成為一條 習語, 作“ 爭端, 禍根”解。
2. Peleus, 珀琉斯, 是希臘神話中的色薩利地方密爾彌冬人的國王, 阿基里斯*** Achilles*** 的 父親。Thetis *** 西蒂斯*** 是海神涅柔斯*** Nereus*** 50 個女兒中的一個, 也是海神。下文中 出現的Eris *** 厄里斯*** 是不和女神。後面出現的Hera 是希臘神話中的天后赫拉, 主神 Zeus *** 宙斯*** 之妻, 掌管婚姻和生育, 是婦女的保護神。Athena *** 雅典娜*** , 希臘神話中智 慧、技藝和戰爭女神。Aphrodite *** 阿佛洛狄特*** , 愛與美的女神, 相當於羅馬神話中的 Venus *** 維納斯*** 。
3. absence 是形容詞absent 的名詞形式, 作“ 缺席, 不在場”解。absence of mind 與absentminded 意思相同, 都是“心不在焉”的意思。absence 的反義詞是presence。
4. 這個片語的意思是“嘲弄, 取笑”。和fun 組成的片語還有for fun *** 為了好玩*** 。
5. 這個詞原意為“滑動, 移動”或“ 悄悄或匆匆到某處”。這裡指“ 悄悄地溜進”。常和slip 連用的片語有: slipanchor *** 拋錨*** , slip up on sth. *** 疏忽, 出差錯*** 。slip 也可作名詞, 如: a slip of pen / tongue *** 筆誤/ 口誤*** 。
6. disaster 在這裡是“災難, 大禍, 不幸”的意思。它還可以指“ 徹底失敗的事”或“ 成事不足 敗事有餘的人”, 如: She is a disaster: unable to type twelve words a minute and snapping at people. *** 她是個成事不足敗事有餘的人: 一分鐘打不滿12 個單詞, 對人說話還老是吆五 喝六的。*** disaster area *** 准予接受政府救濟的災區*** ; disaster film / movie *** 災難影片*** 。
7. 動詞undertake 在這裡的意思是“保證, 同意, 答應”。
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