

  今天小編想要和大家分享的是:小升初作文: ;內容僅供參考閱讀,希望大家能夠喜歡;









  I learned the language from computer games

  Chinese-round penetration into our lives, ways to learn languages ​​also more up. Just we just accepted the teachings of Confucius: "Those who know not as good, good and those who not the music, the interest is the best teacher and computer games is one of my big interests, tell you the truth, I am. Play the game can learn the language.

  For larger text than there is the story of the game, my biggest benefit is to recognize many words, but also by the way this understanding of the word, but also remember particularly strong.

  Used to play, "Three Kingdoms", the military has a command called "conscription, the" levy word for us, really difficult. Then we discuss the various terms appear together: the "emblem soldiers," micro-soldiers, "recruiting, etc., then we really controversial open the dictionary, just know that the word read." Zhēng. Think also ridiculous, if we see this when you do read the word, who are interested to go to the dictionary, perhaps in our mouths it is pronounced "micro" emblem, "offering yet. Furthermore, after the word I remember very solid, This is unlike in the past Forgetfulness big me!

  Four middle school students were reading the table of contents, but we are not in the hands of the comic is the comic, it seems classical still very powerful. I think where the "Three Kingdoms" was originally very attractive, it can be directly read if the original is still under classical defeated. Then I played the game, compared to the game made me easy to accept, and soon, I doubt appeared: Wu Zhou Yu Such a military strategy scholar refined how it will be mad? So I immediately dug out the "Three Kingdoms", gave difficult to understand classical Chinese, all kinds of books are "battle, rather," 打破沙鍋問到底 posture, breath and read the result that part of the Battle of Red Cliff. Perhaps not play games will not provoke me to read the original with interest, "Three Kingdoms" still do not know how long it is to be sealed dust.

  To benefit the most, or all kinds to ancient China for the role-playing game background, to understand the history of those years in time in the game, anecdotes or is folklore. If only to know what celebrity name inevitably some one-sided: saw Wen Tianxiang Ningsibuqu, truly understand the "Everyone must die, to retain loyalty according to annals contain deep patriotic feelings, it really was he kind national pride deeply impressed; saw Li Xiao Yao and Zhao painful separation came to understand how great love is an emotion, no longer marvel reading their love; saw the Japanese killing crimes in China, only to Shangju childish mind I had a resonance with Lu Xun, to understand his characters indignation, let me be surrounded by a sense of national mission ......

  In short, despite the big computer game criticism, saying it more harm than good, but I still believe in the game really made me closer to the language, learn the language. Learned in laughter, thinking learned in high school to sentiment and emotion ......