1:一次旅行 A Trip
The summer holiday begins. I am very happy. Last week, I traveled to Zhuhai. It's a small but beautiful city. The streets are clean and the buildings are huge. The traffic of Zhuhai is good. There is almost no traffic jams here,because the transportation system is good. Macau is on the opposite of Zhuhai.We can even see the cars running in the streets of Macau. I hope I can step into Macau to visti this magical city.
2:飯後生活 Life after Dinner
I have dinner at about 6:30 p.m.. After dinner, I often go to the outside to play games with my friends. We live near to each other, so we always play together. Sometimes,we play table tennis or badminton. Sometimes, we ride on bicyles. Anyway, anything could be funny when we are together.I usually go home at 8:00 and then take a shower. After that, I spend sometime in study or watch TV. At 10:00p.m.,I go to sleep.
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