一、 插入語常以副詞***副詞短語***、形容詞***形容詞短語***、介詞短語、非謂語動詞短語等形式出現。
***1***常見的副詞及短語: indeed, surely, however, obviously, frankly, naturally, luckily,certainly 等。
***2***常見的形容詞及短語: funny, needless to say ***不用說***, most important of all 等。
***3***常見的介詞短語: by the way, in a few words/ in sum/ in short ***簡而言之***,in other words***換言之***,in general***總體而言***, in one’s opinion/judgment***按照某人的意見***, in fact, in the first place,of course, to one’s knowledge/ surprise/ regret/ satisfaction/ mind/ joy/ disappointment等。
***4***常見的現在分詞短語: strictly/generally/honestly/personally / exactly / physically / speaking ***嚴格地/一般地/坦誠地等***說; judging from / by …***根據……判斷***等。
***5***常見的動詞不定式短語: to be sure ***無疑地***, to sum up ***概括地說***, to tell the truth***說實話***, to be honest***說實話***, to be short, to conclude, to put it briefly, to put it in another way, to begin / start with 等。
常見的插入句如下: sb. think / hope / guess / know / believe / suppose/write, I am sure ***我可以肯定地說***, that is *** to say ******也就是說***, it seems ***看來是***, as I see it ***照我看來***, what’s more, what’s worse, what is important / serious ***重要 / 嚴重的是***, I'm afraid ***恐怕*** , it is said ***據說***, as we all know ***眾所周知***等。
The true enemies of science, argues Paul of Stanford University, a pioneer of environmental studies, are those who question the evidence supporting global warming, the depletion of the ozone layer and other consequences of industrial growth.
argues Paul of Stanford University是插入語,表示此觀點是Paul的,a pioneer of environmental studies是插入語,具體說明Paul的身份。插入語與其他成分通過逗號分隔開來。這句話可以譯為環境研究的先驅、斯坦福大學的保羅認為,科學真正的 敵人是那些對支援全球變暖、臭氧層損耗以及工業發展的其他後果的證據提出質疑的人。
The grand mediocrity of today—everyone being the same in survival and number of off-spring—means that natural selection has lost 80% of its power in upper-middle-class India compared to the tribe.
everyone being the same in survival and number of off-spring是插入語,具體解釋grand mediocrity,與其他成分用破折號分隔開來,我們翻譯的時候可以保留破折號。本句譯為:當今人與人在很大程度上的平等——即面對自然淘汰法則人人 機會均等,並且連子嗣的數目都一樣——這意味著和印度土著部落的情況相比,自然選擇在印度中上層階級中已喪失了80%的作用。
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