四大文明古國之一 one of the four ancient civilizations
人類文明史 the history of human civilization
源遠流長/歷史悠久 to have a long history with a long history
朝代 dynasty
古都 ancient capital
隨著時間的推移 as time goes by
遠古時代 ancient times
原始社會 primitive society
春秋時期 the Spring and Autumn Period
戰國 the Warring States
封建社會 feudal society
皇帝,君主 emperor; monarch
歷史遺留問題 a question left over from history/the past
在戰爭中損毀 to be ruined in wars
抵抗侵略 to resist the invasion
五四運動 the May 4th Movement of 1919
在……世紀初 at the beginning of ... century
迄今為止 up till now
追溯到 to date/trace back to
來源於 to derive/stem from; to originate from/in
發祥地 birthplace
興起於……,興盛於…… to emerge in … and prosper in ...
儲存最完好的 best-preserved
原址 original site
國家博物館 national museum
皇帝統治時期 a period of emperor reign
諸侯國 kingdom
勤政愛民 to be diligent and love one’s people
退位 to give up the throne
帝王宮殿 imperial palace
以……命名 to be named after ...
歷史人物 historic figure
陽曆 solar calendar
陰曆 lunar calendar
天干 heavenly stem
地支 earthly branch
閏年 leap year
京劇 Peking opera
秦腔 Qin opera
太極Tai Chi
口 技 ventriloquism
木偶戲puppet show
皮影戲 shadowplay
摺子戲 opera highlights
雜技 acrobatics
相聲 witty dialogue comedy
刺繡 embroidery
蘇繡 Suzhou embroidery
泥人 clay figure
書法 calligraphy
中國畫 traditional Chinesepainting
水墨畫 Chinese brush painting
中國結 Chinese knot
中國古代四大發明 the four greatinventions of ancient China
火藥 gunpowder
造紙術 paper-making
指南針 the compass
青銅器 bronze ware
瓷器 porcelain; china
唐三彩 tri-color glazed potteryof the Tang Dynasty
武術 martial arts
儒家文化 Confucian culture
道教 Taoism
法家 Legalism
佛教 Buddhism
孔子 Confucius
孟子 Mencius
老子 Lao Tzu
莊子 Chuang Tzu
墨子 Mo Tzu
孫子Sun Tzu
象形文字 pictographic characters
文房四寶***筆墨紙觀***the Four Treasures of the Study ***brush, ink stick, paper, and inkstone***
《大學》TheGreat Learning
《中庸》The Doctrine of the Mean
《論語》TheAnalects of Confucius
《孟子》The Mencius
《孫子兵法》The Art of War
《三國演義》Three Kingdoms
《西遊爺己》Journey to the West
《紅樓夢》Dream of the RedMansions
《水滸傳》Heroes of the Marshes
《山海經》The Classic of Mountainsand Rivers
《資治通鑑》History as a Mirror
《春秋》The Spring and AutumnAnnals
《詩經》The Book of Songs
《易經》The I Ching; The Book ofChanges
《禮記》TheBook of Rites
八股文 eight-part essay
五言絕句 five-character quatrain
七言律詩 seven-character octave
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