


  Writing Part***筆試部分******40分***


  1.S ***a f s*** 2.P ***t f p*** 3. h ***N H K***

  4.Y ***i y v*** 5.K ***l k d*** 6. e ***D E T***

  7.U ***w m u*** 8.t ***T G D*** 9.Q ***m r q***

  10.r***A R U***

  二、按四線三格的要 求抄寫下列單詞。***5分***

  father boy home plate nurse


  *** ***1、study A、書房 B、臥室

  *** ***2、fridge A、書架 B、冰箱

  *** ***3、soup A、飯 B、湯

  *** ***4、window A、地板 B、窗戶

  *** ***5、strong A、安靜的 B、健壯的

  *** ***6、light A、燈 B、科學

  *** ***7、fork A、碗 B、叉子

  *** ***8、chicken A、牛肉 B、雞肉

  *** ***9、doctor A、醫生 B、老師

  *** ***10、parents A、家庭 B、父母


  A. parents B. light C. study D. fork E. teacher

  1. Go to the _______. 2. Turn on the _______.

  3. I love my ______. 4.This is my _______.

  5. Would you like a ________?


  *** ***1、當你想對同學說“聖誕快樂”時 ,應該說:

  A. Merry Christmas!     B. How are you?

  *** ***2、問媽媽自己的書包在哪裡,應該問:

  A It’s in your bedroom. B Where is my schoolbag?

  *** ***3、媽媽送給你新年禮物時,你應說:________

  A、really? B、thank you!

  *** ***4、當你問別人想吃什麼時,應說:________

  A、what would you like? B、can I have some fish?

  *** ***5、當你告訴別人“我爸爸是個醫生”時,你應該說:

  A. I have a bag. B. My father is a doctor.



  *** *** 1、A、cake B、name *** *** 2、A、like B、kite

  *** *** 3、A、nose B、not *** *** 4、A、big B、five

  *** *** 5、A、cat B、bag


  *** ***1、A、math book B、Chinese book C、teacher’s desk

  *** ***2、A、red B、yellow C、door

  *** ***3、A、storybook B、desk C、math book

  *** ***4、A、tall B、short C、computer

  *** ***5、A、fan B、pencil C、pen


  *** ***1、We ____ a new classroom.

  A、have B、are C、has

  *** ***2、Look, he is tall ____ strong.

  A、to B、and C、or

  *** ***3、A boy____a boy? – A boy.

  A、or B、in C、and

  *** ***4、Let____ help you.

  A、go B、me C、I

  *** ***5、What’s his name?. -_____name is Zhang Peng.

  A、me B、His C、her


  *** ***1、an English book

  A、一本英語書 B、一本漫畫書

  *** ***2、tall and strong

  A、男孩還是女孩 B、又高又壯

  *** ***3、 some toys

  A、一些糖果 B、一些玩具

  *** ***4、We have a new classroom.

  A、我們有一間新教室。 B、我有一個新朋友。

  *** ***5、Who is he?

  A、他是誰? B、你是誰?


  *** ***1、He is my friend. He is.__________.

  *** ***2、We have a new________.

  It’s very big.

  *** ***3、This is my grandfather.

  He has______.

  *** ***4、I have a______ in ma schoolbag.

  *** ***5、Hui Tailang is not_______.


  *** ***1、班裡新來了以個男生,你想知道他叫什麼名,應該問

  A、What’s his name? B、What is he?

  *** ***2、你想告訴別人“我們有一個新教室”,你會說

  A、We have a new classroom . B、Where is my schoolbag?.

  *** ***3、你想告訴媽媽“我有一個好朋友。”你應該說

  A、Mum . I have a good friend . B、A Chinese boy?.

  *** ***4、打掃衛生時,你看到同學提不動水桶,你想說

  A、Really?. Let’s go and see. B、Let me halp you.

  *** ***5、你們有了新教室,你想跟同學一起去看看,你應該說

  A、Le’t’ go and see. B、Open the door.

  七、閱讀短文,判斷對錯,對的寫T 錯的寫F 。***10分***

  My friend is a boy, He is fourteen. He is a Chinese boy. He has short hair . He is tall and thin. He has big eyes . He is very friendly. His name is Zhang Peng.

  *** ***1、My friend is a girl .

  *** ***2、He is fourteen .

  *** ***3、He is a Chinese boy

  *** ***4、He is tall and strong.

  *** ***5、His name is John.
