

  1. do sth by doing sth “通過做...而做***成***....”

  Eg: Jenny had a good chance to study abroad by passing the entrance examination very well

  2. find/make/think it adj for sb to do =find/make/think為“發現/使得/認為 ***做***....***感到***....”

  該句式為形式賓語結構,由“find+賓語+形容詞”變化而來. 當find的賓語為動詞不定式或者賓語從句時,直接放在find之後,相比較做賓語補足語的形容詞,會顯得句子“不平衡”;所以用it當作句子的形式賓語,而真正的賓語就要放到句子最後了。、

  Eg: I found to speak English fluentlydifficult.

  I found it difficult to speak English fluently. it為形式賓語代替to speak English fluently

  3. suggest的用法

  ① 要表示漢語的“建議做某事”,英語通常用 suggest doingsth,而不能用 suggest to do sth。如:


  正:He suggested going by plane, butI thought it would cost too much.

  誤:He suggested to go by plane, but I thought it would cost too much.

  ②漢語通常說“建議某人做某事”,但英語習慣上不能說 suggest sb to do sth,而說suggest sb’s [sb]doing sth。也就是說,suggest 後不僅不接不定式,而且也不接不定式的複合結構。如:


  正:He suggested that we leaveearlier.

  誤:He suggested us to leaveearlier.

  ③當然,我們也可以用後接that 從句的形式來表達此意思***注意謂語用“should+動詞原形”這樣的虛擬語氣形式***。如:

  I suggest that we ***should*** havelunch right now. 我建議我們現在就吃午飯。

  He suggests that we should all go to see the film. 他建議我們都去看電影。

  ④suggest 後接賓語從句時,從謂語既可用陳述語氣,也可用虛擬語氣,其區別與 suggest所表示的意思有關:

  若suggest表示“建議”,則其後接的that 從句謂語通常用“***should***+動詞原形”這樣的虛擬語氣形式。如:

  I suggested that she should go home. 我建議她回家去。

  She suggested that I ***should*** be the leader. 她提議由我來做領導人。

  若suggest表示“暗示”“意指”“表明”等義,則其後接的 that 從句要用陳述語氣。如:

  What he said suggested that he was a cheat. 他說的話表明他是個騙子。

  Are you suggesting that I’m not suited for the job? 你的意思是說我不適合做這工作?

  ⑤要表示向某人提出某情況,suggest後不能接雙賓語,即不能用suggest sb sth,而通常用 suggest sth to sb。如:


  正:I suggested a way out to her.

  4. deal with/do with 的區別

  ① do with 常與連線代詞 what 連用,而 deal with 常與連線副詞 how 連用,

  Eg: Do you know how to deal with the matter?

  Do you know what we should do with the monkey hanging outside?

  ②do with 表示“處置”、“忍受”、“相處”、“有關”,其賓語一般是較為具體的事物名稱,如:the book/the monkey/trash...

  deal with意義很廣,常表示“對付”、“應付”、“處理”、“安排”、“論述”、“涉及”等。其賓語一般是較為抽象的事物名稱。如:the matter, the problem,the trouble


  Eg: He is a good man to deal with=He is a good man to do with.

  5. It has been/is +短時間+since +過去式的句子=sb have/has done

  Eg: It has been three years since he began to look for his daughter.=He has looked for his daughter for three years/since three years ago.

  6. Until的用法


  Eg: Walk straight on until you see the traffic lights.

  ②. Until 用於否定句,常和not連用,即“not....until..”意為 “知道....才”。主句的謂語動詞為非延續性動詞,表示某個動作直到某時才發生。

  Eg: THe girl didn’t go to bed until her mother came back.