Home***家*** bedroom***臥室*** bed***床*** desk***課桌*** chair***椅子*** living room***起居室***TV***電視*** sofa***沙發*** armchair***單人沙發*** ball***球*** kite***風箏*** kitchen***廚房*** fridge***冰箱*** table***桌子*** study***書房*** computer***電腦*** picture***圖片*** bathroom***浴室*** DVD player***DVD播放機*** clock***時鐘***
Look at the bedroom. There is a new bed.
There is …in my bedroom.
Look at the living room.
There is a TV. There are two sofas.
Look at the kitchen.
There is a new fridge.
What’s in the study?
There is a new computer.
What’s in the living room?
There is a DVD player.
twenty-one***二十一*** twenty-two***二十二*** twenty-three***二十三*** twenty-four***二十四*** twenty-five***二十五*** twenty-six***二十六*** twenty-seven***二十七*** twenty-eight***二十八*** twenty-nine***二十九*** eleven***十一*** twelve***十二*** thirty***三十*** forty***四十*** boy***男孩*** girl***女孩*** fifty***五十*** teacher***教師*** school***學校*** seventy***七十*** eighty***八十*** bag***書包*** book***書*** ninety***九十*** one hundred***一百*** pen***鋼筆*** pencil***鉛筆***
How many students are there in your class?
There are forty.
How many teachers are there in your school?
How many bags do you have?
We have seventy bags.
Maths***數*** PE***體育*** Chinese***中文*** English***英語*** Music***音樂*** art***美術*** subject***學科*** science***科學*** lesson***課*** drama***戲劇*** listen***聽*** do***做*** speak***說*** listen and do ***聽聽做做*** speak and sing***說說唱唱*** play and act***玩玩演演*** sing***唱*** play***玩*** act***表演***
How many lessons do you have in the morning?
We have four. They are maths, Chinese, English, and PE.
Do you like music?
Yes, I do. I like it very much. No, I don’t. I like science.
What subject do you like best?
I like art best.
What do you do in an English class?
We listen and do.
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