



  1、game hat *** *** 2、can face *** *** 3、short English *** ***

  4、car park *** *** 5、may play *** *** 6、sand safe *** ***


  1.紫色的花_____________ 2.在門後面_____________

  3.在床下面_____________ 4.兩隻棕色的貓_______________

  5.一張大床_______________6.next to the computer_________________

  7.on the wall_____________ 8.在床上___________


  *** ***1、I want you ______ your bedroom.

  A.draw B.to draw C. drawing

  *** ***2、There is _____ light in the bedroom.

  A.four B.six C.a

  *** ***3、______ in your room?

  A.What B.What’s C.Where

  *** ***4、There is a map ______ the wall.

  A.on B.in C.under

  *** ***5、There ____ two brown cats under the bed.

  A.is B.are C.has

  *** ***6、_______ Picture 2,there is a bed.

  A.In B. At C.On

  *** ***7、There is a big bed next ______ the window.

  A.in B.to C.at

  *** ***8、What colour ________ the window?

  A.is B.are C.in


  1、What’s in your room? A.It’s next to the window.

  2、What colour is your pen? B.In my room,there is a big bed.

  3、Where is your bed? C.My name is Shape.

  4、Open the window,please. D.OK.

  5、What’s your name? E.It’s pink.

  五、閱讀判斷對錯 T F

  Look! This is our classroom.Let’s go and have a look. There are some flowers on the teacher’s desk.There is a blackboard***黑板***on the wall. There are forty-seven students in our class,twenty-three boys and twenty-four girls.There are two English girls. Their names are Lily and Lucy.They are twins.They are ten.Our classroom is big and bright.We love it.

  *** ***1、There is a blackboard in the classroom.

  *** ***2、There are some flowers on the teacher’s desk.

  *** ***3、There are forty-five students in our class.

  *** ***4、There are three English girls.

  *** ***5、Our classroom is big and bright.




