Father Christmas is based on a real person, St. Nicholas, which explains his other name 'Santa Claus' which comes from the Dutch 'Sinterklaas'. Nicholas was a Christian leader from Myra ***in modern-day Turkey*** in the 4th century AD. He was very shy, and wanted to give money to poor people without them knowing about it. It is said that one day, he climbed the roof of a house and dropped a purse of money down the chimney. It landed in the stocking which a girl had put to dry by the fire! This may explain the belief that Father Christmas comes down the chimney and places gifts in children's stockings.
聖誕老人源於土耳其歷史上的一個真實人物,他的名字叫聖尼古拉斯,他的另一個名字'Santa Claus' 源於荷蘭語'Sinterklaas'。尼古拉斯是一個從米拉***現在的土耳其***來的基督教領袖。尼古拉斯很害羞,想給窮人贈送物資又怕被窮人知道。傳說,有一天,他從房頂的煙囪裡扔前給某戶人家,結果剛好扔進了那位姑娘的襪子裡,那個姑娘原本是把襪子掛在爐邊想烤乾的。這或許就是大家相信聖誕老人從煙囪裡把禮物放進孩子的襪子裡的緣由吧。
聖·尼古拉斯***Saint Nicholas***是聖誕老人原型***Santa Clause***,是土耳其歷史上真實存在的一位主教。公元前3世紀末,聖·尼古拉斯出生在地中海沿岸的潘特拉***Patara***。他雖出生在一個富裕人家,但從小心地善良,樂善好施,經常救助窮人。聖·尼古拉斯喜歡以匿名的方式贈送給當地窮人各種禮物。在公元346年去世後,他被尊稱為聖人,其生前事蹟後來演變成今天聖誕老人的傳說。
A shoemaker, through no fault of his own, had become so poor that he had only leather enough for a single pair of shoes. He cut them out one evening, then went to bed, intending to finish them the next morning. Having a clear conscience, he went to bed peacefully, commended himself to God, and fell asleep.
The next morning, after saying his prayers, he was about to return to his work when he found the shoes on his workbench, completely finished. Amazed, he did not know what to say. He picked up the shoes in order to examine them more closely. They were so well made that not a single stitch was out of place, just as if they were intended as a masterpiece. A customer soon came by, and he liked the shoes so much that he paid more than the usual price for them.
第二天早上他做完禱告,打算繼續工作,但他發現.在工作臺上的那雙鞋子已經做好了.天啦!鞋匠驚訝得說不出話來. 他把鞋子拿起來檢查了一下,做工非常棒,縫接處沒有絲毫偏差.就在這時,一位顧客進來了,他非常喜歡這雙鞋並用高價買下了它們.
The shoemaker now had enough money to buy leather for two pairs of shoes. That evening he cut them out, intending to continue his work the next morning with good cheer. But he did not need to do so, because when he got up they were already finished. Customers soon bought them, paying him enough that he now could buy leather for four pairs of shoes. Early the next morning he found the four pairs finished. And so it continued; whatever he cut out in the evening was always finished the following morning. He now had a respectable income and with time became a wealthy man.
One evening shortly before Christmas, just before going to bed, and having already cut out a number of shoes, he said to his wife, "Why don't we stay up tonight and see who is giving us this helping hand."
His wife agreed to this and lit a candle. Then they hid themselves behind some clothes that were hanging in a corner of the room. At midnight two cute little naked men appeared. Sitting down at the workbench, they picked up the cut-out pieces and worked so unbelievable quickly and nimbly that the amazed shoemaker could not take his eyes from them. They did not stop until they had finished everything. They placed the completed shoes on the workbench, then quickly ran away.
The next morning the wife said, "The little men have made us wealthy. We must show them our thanks. They are running around with nothing on, freezing. Do you know what? I want to sew some shirts, jackets, undershirts, and trousers for them, and knit a pair of stockings for each of them, and you should make a pair of shoes for each of them."
The husband said, "I agree," and that evening, when everything was finished, they set the presents out instead of the unfinished work. Then they hid themselves in order to see what the little men would do. At midnight they came skipping up, intending to start work immediately. When they saw the little clothes instead of the cut-out leather, they at first seemed puzzled, but then delighted. They quickly put them on, then stroking the beautiful clothes on their bodies they sang:
Sind wir nicht Knaben glatt und fein? Was sollen wir linger Schuster sein! Are we not boys, neat and fine? No longer cobblers shall we be!
鞋匠說: "完全同意,"那天晚上, 鞋匠夫婦沒有把裁剪好的皮革放在工作臺上,而是把做好的小禮物放在上面。然後,他們又悄悄的躲了起來看小人會做什麼.半夜裡,小精靈們來了,並立刻準備把東西騰空開始工作,但他們剛看見那些小衣服的時候很迷惑,然後馬上欣喜的把它們穿在身上,用手摸著漂亮的衣服唱起歌來:
Then they hopped and danced about, jumping over chairs and benches. Finally they danced out of the house. They never returned, but the shoemaker prospered, succeeding in everything that he did.
'Father Christmas' ***or 'Santa Claus'*** has become the human face of Christmas. Pictures will be seen everywhere of the old man with long white beard, red coat, and bag of toys. Children are taught that he brings them presents the night before Christmas ***or in some countries on December 6th - St. Nicholas' Day***, and many children up to the age of 7 or 8 really believe this is true. In most countries, it is said that he lives near the North Pole, and arrives through the sky on a sledge ***snow-cart*** pulled by reindeer. He comes into houses down the chimney at midnight and places presents for the children in socks or bags by their beds or in front of the family Christmas tree.
聖誕老人***Father Christmas或Santa Claus***已經成了聖誕節的形象代言人,聖誕節未到,老頭子先到,一個大白鬍子,穿身紅衣服,背個裝滿玩具的大麻袋的老頭子的海報隨處可見。孩子從小就被灌輸一種想,聖誕節前的平安夜,聖誕老人會給他們送禮物***某些國家是過12月6日的聖尼古拉斯日***,一些7,8歲的孩子都相信聖誕老人送禮物這事兒是真的。在大部分國家裡,都流傳聖誕老人住在北極,要過聖誕節時,就滑著雪橇或者乘著由馴鹿拉著的雪車從天上飛過來。然後在半夜從煙囪上爬進屋子,把禮物放在孩子們的襪子裡,或者放在床邊的袋子裡,或者是放在聖誕樹前面。
In shops or at children's parties, someone will dress up as Father Christmas and give small presents to children, or ask them what gifts they want for Christmas. Christmas can be a time of magic and excitement for children.
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