1. 隨著英語在全球的發展,越來越多人說英語,請說下這種現象的利弊。
2. 有人認為現代科技的不斷髮展,傳統文化和技術必會滅亡,繼續保持傳統的文化和技術已經沒有意義了,你的看法?
As the development of modern science and technology, some aspects of traditional culture are being lost, so some people think that the traditional culture and technology will be replaced by the modern science and technology such as computer or internet, what is your opinion?
3. 人類登月進行探索已有多年曆史,有人認為類似科研活動浪費金錢時間,你的看法如何?
Some people believe that government spends too much money on space research while there are still a lot of problems on the earth. Do you agree or disagree
4. 有人認為像世界盃這樣的體育盛事是有利於緩解世界的緊張局勢和偏見,維護世界和平的,請討論。
Some sport events such as the World Cup may help reduce the tension and bias between different countries and keep the peace of the world, what is your opinion
5. 有人認為對待動物應該如寵物一般,有人認為動物是食物和衣服的主要來源,請討論。
Some people think that the animals should be treated as pets, others think that animals are resources of food and clothing. What is your opinion?
6. 有人認為電視***網路***的普及影響到生活中家庭成員或是朋友之間的親密關係,你的看法如何
三方面:電視 television 電話 telephone 網路 internet or network
7. 現代一個成功人士所需素質是不是必須從大學或相似的科研學術機構中學習而獲得呢,你是否支援。
8. 許多國家的孩子在課餘參加一些有償勞動,有人認為這種做法是錯誤的,而有人認為這種勞動可以使孩子們學到知識,並提高他們的責任感,你的看法
9. 一些明星或是體育明星往往可以拿到很高的薪水,而一些公益事業的工作者例如教師護士卻薪水很少,這樣是否合理***新東方作文***
10. 在資訊世界裡,現代科技中如計算機網路逐步普及,有人認為它將會取代書籍及其它書寓式大眾傳播媒體,你的看法
Will modern technology, such as the internet ever replace the book or the written word as the main source of information
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