1. Learning history has no value for those of us living in the present. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
2. Some people like to do only what they already do well. Other people prefer to try new things and take risks. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.
3. Now some college students prefer to work for themselves or own a business. Would you rather be self-employed, work for someone else, or own a business? Use specific reasons to explain your choice.
4. Many students have to live with roommates while going to university. Would you like to live with roommates you like or live with those school assigns you? Why?Use specific examples to support your ideas.
5. Do you agree or disagree with following statement: Life is full of frustrations, some just experience them earlier. Give specific examples to support your ideas.
6. Some say military training at college is necessry while other disagree. What’s your point of view on this subject? Why?
7. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents have right to read text messeges of their children? Why ?
8. What qualities do you think a friend should have to continue the freindship? Use specific reasons to support your idea.
9. Some people say perseverance will make a miracle. Others do not think so. What do you think of this? Use specific examples to support your idea.
10. A residential building in Shanghai collapsed while being constructed. How do you explain this phenomenon? Why?
11. Conflict or dispute often occur in our daily life. What’s your understanding of issue? How do you resolve them? Use specific examples to support your idea.
12. Some people say college degree begin to lose shining while others do not think so. What’s your point of view on this subject? Why?
13. Some students believe they have right to choose courses they like. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Why ?
14. Some say growing up in rich family promotes children’s personality and charactore. Some think think otherwise. What’s your opinion? Why?
15. Drunk driving became very serious these days. Explain this phenomenon and give your solutions to this problem.
16. What is your view on public displays of affection such as kissing on campus?
17. If we don't want to give money to individual beggars, what charities would you recommend that we support in China:
18. Do you think married couples have a better life without children? 19. why do you think Valentine's Day has become so popular in China? 20. Could you please tell us, in your opinion, what makes life worthwhile? 21. Are we allowing the Internet to intrude too far into our private lives? 22. Do we need so many television channels?
23. Is it time to scrap the May and October golden week holidays?
24. Is marking western holidays a sign of a modern China or of traditions sacrificed to commercial interests?
1. Should linguistic diversity be preserved, even at the expense of effective communication?
2. Are we becoming too susceptible to advertising?
3. Do you think people today are any closer to achieving a peaceful and harmonious future or harmonious world than Confucius, who lived years ago?
4. Should bargaining be outlawed and traders be required to advertise a fixed price for what they sell?
5. Should it be left to university students to balance their private lives and their studies?
6. Can the sacrifice of modesty in the interests of achieving success be justified
7. What do you think is more important for a child, a happy childhood or top marks at school? Who should be the focus of investment in sport, the general population or potential Olympic champions?
8. Are boarding schools a good idea or are students better off at home?
9. Should Peking Opera remain true to its roots or change with the times?
10. Does modern society place too much emphasis on physical beauty?
11. Should Beijing's historic main avenue be open to all, big cars and small cars?
12. Is it right for major cities to lift the ban on firecrackers?
13. Is a dependent husband a role model or a cause of embarrassment?
14. Should Beijing introduce a congestion charge to encourage drivers to use public transport and leave their cars at home?
15. Who should take responsibility for the poor diet of children, fast-food restaurants or parents? Is the Olympic ideal still relevant today?
16. Should China introduce a complete ban on smoking in restaurants and bars?
17. Is Beijing a better or a worse city, as a result of the disappearance of the hutongs?
18. Are retirement homes the answer in caring for China's aging population?
19. If you could invite one historical figure to dinner, who would that be? What would you want to discuss with him or her?
20. If you could choose one thing that China could share with the rest of the world, what would that be?
21. Should postgraduate study be a means of improving job prospects, rather than pursuing academic interests?
22. Is it right that success in the sporting arena should open doors to a career in entertainment?
23.Do you think big cities need more public transport instead of more private cars?
24. Do you think that pretty female students have an advantage in job interviews?
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